Sassy, baby doll, I do not think that "ad hoc" means what you think it means. It's Latin for "ham biscuit."

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Now I'm really confused. I was sure that the Calvin Cycle had something to do with predestination and prosperity.

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Okay, first, unfair generalizations about groups of people are what we <i>do</i> here. All teabaggers are corpulent, insulin-dependent Hoveround jockeys. All Republicans are closeted douchebags or whores. And so forth.

Second, southerners are not the only ones that are stupid, of course, but there is sure 'nuff a pantload of stupid going on down here. "Crafty" or "shrewd" is as close to intelligent as you will find down here in Dixie.

And third, southerners are not just stupid. They are also hypocritical, bigoted, and prissy. They pick their noses and eat the boogers, and they wet the bed, every night. All of them, all the time.

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Quite a few of us commenters are southerners. Florida, Texas, Oklahoma, Georgia, Virginia, maybe even Arkansas. And we are all really stupid.

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The Reagan stamp is for his supposed 100th birthday. But has anyone checked his birf cert.? Otherwise, mail with his stamp could be illegal. That means my tax return -- ironically sent with a Reagan stamp -- would not be properly postmarked. And I could end up in front of an Obama IRS death panel. Just sayin', birf cert or GTFO.

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Nancy would be all 'Boom, boom boom, chuck! Boom, boom boom, chuck!'

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Complete the danged Wall-E!

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I think I might actually hate Pixar more than Reagan

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Sorry if I take this thread on a detour, but there's just something I've been meaning to say for a while. I always thought Ronnie was kind of a girly way of spelling 'Ronny.' What's up with all the machismo conservtards and their tendency to feminize a perfectly wonderful male name?

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