My anger supplies are exhaustible, but holy FSM I was mad the first few updates on this I read. The sadness endures, however.

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You really really should. I have a 22 incher for work, and my laptop for my Wonkette. Works wonders for productivity.

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The problem is, when you're a young black kid in Zimmerman's neighborhood, you never know when the gunfight is gonna break out.

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my understanding is, we don't. we - libtards - get to live with the second amendment. it's our price for admission to the game of 'merica'.

and while i love you all in 'gun carrin' states, the right to carry arms is much more complicated when we all live on top of each other and go to the same bar.

and usually get drunk.

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Yes. Much too soon.

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This story appears to have an inexhaustible capacity for inducing profound sadness. And despair.

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Nothing's that bad! I demand the President apologize for you saying that!

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Nothing's that bad! I demand the President apologize for you saying that!

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"Not Florida", would appear to be the answer.

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I can answer the first one: they'd both be dead. Two dark-skinned people together is more than twice as "suspicious" and "threatening" as one!

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