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To them 'Ceasar' and 'God' have to be on the same level. They may not know what a theocracy is, but that is their ideal government.

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Second the notion.

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Nope, not even, and fuck you too! With votes.

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Rushie, I know your career is going down the toilet, but you are SO gone by the way of the $2 bill....

and tedious.

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The only reason right-wing news correspondents are complaining about the Tubman Twenty is to stir up outrage? Goes without saying, really.

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I may never vote for Obama again.

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The interesting thing is that if they actually lived under a true theocracy, at least 85% of them would absolutely hate it.

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Which? The Dooce heading out into the streets? Or the Limp One trying to gin up RWNJ shrieks with his tired pressing of faked-up nutbag hot buttons?

Because BOTH were done to try to keep profiting from that sweet, sweet wingnut outrage.

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I'll get the popcorn!!

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And all that water and those canned goods they acquired before Y2K.

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One of my acquaintances was having a fit yesterday about Harriet on the currency. She said "I don't want to look at an ugly old black woman every time I handle a $20." I asked her when was the last time she looked at Andrew Jackson's portrait on a $20 bill. I got her to admit she didn't actually know Jackson was on the $20 bill, never having looked at one with much care until the announcement was made that they were going to change it.

Then this woman said "Why couldn't they find a more attractive picture of Harriet?" I pointed out that Harriet was born in the 1820s, before photography existed, and when she was young she was a slave. Nobody bothered to take a picture or paint a nice oil portrait of a young slave. I must say here there are 1 or 2 more attractive photos of Harriet that they could have used. If I were Harriet, I would be a little bit annoyed about this. Everyone likes to be remembered as looking their best.

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My beloved was so happy to become a citizen in time to vote for Bamz that he didn't think anything could top that, but this year, he doesn't know which is more thrilling - voting for the first lady-president or voting against Drumpf.

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Wilford Brimley?

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We'll know when douchie Joe Scarborough can be institutionalized when he starts telling his money it needs to smile more.

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The Alinsky reference set the dog next door off on a howl, also too.

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