I'm not the as t old

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Erik Prince is busy privatizing the military

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I have netflix DVD too (no wifi in the wilderness), and I am always amazed that I get a new one three days after I put the old one in the mailbox.

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Why isn't Trish Regan following Ivanka's advice by finding something new?

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Voters in NC got trump mailers with applications for mail in ballots enclosed.My head hurts

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I usually got mine through the mail.There's envelopes at the post office you can complete, enclose a check, mail to the post office. Within a week you get your stamps along with another envelope with an order form. I've been doing it like this for years

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If we could issue tickets for colluding with Russian Oligarchs, the Senate would pay for itself many times over.

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Streaming on Criterion Channel now! (Can't recommend the channel enough, it's helped me through quarantine.)

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Erik Prince would be elated. And richer.

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Neither does the married Ben Shapiro, apparently.

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50% of businesses fail in five years.

Unless they are Trump-run businesses, in which case the failure rate approaches 100%.

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So why don't they immediately replace a damaged mailbox with a new or refurbished mail box while a worker is there? So far, complaints have been where single boxes are removed with no attempt to replace them. Yes, some locations may not need any blue boxes anymore. If so, USPS leadership should be able to show data supporting that, but they refuse to release that information. It's not classified information. But it seems like August leading up to an election with voting beginning as soon as early October, then Christmas, is an odd time to be removing boxes and sorting machines. Especially in Oregon, where all voting is by mail.

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Can't even *audit* those fuckers.

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They will not run deficits. They will just charge $10 for a letter sent from Bumfuck Idaho to Dicklick Maine. Since there will be no competition after the USPS shuts down (other than the two private competitors that have the same charges), you will have no choice if you have to send it out. And since even fewer letters and packages will be mailed from areas like that due to prices, charges will likely go up even higher.

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Yes. My dad’s diabetic he can’t get his meds any way else.

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