No poetic justice to be found. Not even for ready money.

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La Pierre gets paid more than a million dollars a year. In 2015 (according to Wikipedia) it was north of 5 mil. This scumbag is the product of a Catholic education, Sienna College and Boston College - in the late 60's neither was a hotbed of liberal thought. Oh and like way too many psychos in the NRA - La Pierre was 4F for the draft during Vietnam.

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Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.

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And that's a good thing?

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From the Audit Committee:

We have uncovered some discrepancies in the budget regarding the purchase of parsley (as garnish.) Item 5.

The charge of seventeen cents seems reasonable, were it not for the charge of $18,773,224.13 for parsley (not as garnish) Item 6.

We have been asking around and nobody eats (or "gobbles up," as one witness put it) so much tuna salad as to require this level of parsley.

We are currently examining the sage, rosemary, and thyme transactions.

Please advise,

Yrs and cetera

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the story makes it clear the rubes are either tapped out or making the ubiquitous "jack-off" motion about now.

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To: Board of Directors, Mehmeister Company, LLCFrom: J.D. Squane, Treasurerbcc:[@IRS]Re: re:re:re:RE: Audit Committee:

everything here looks compliant to Bylaw 2, section (a) (3) (D) (i), paragraph 2, clause (C) (v) of the articles on incorporation.

yrs, etc., etc.

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I've said it before, but the name "Wayne LaPierre" sounds like the host of a drag show in Kentucky. I guess that can be his Plan B once the NRA goes tits up.

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I would have thought that a clumsy murder organization run by thieves and con artists would have folded sooner than this.

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Tish James attended the inauguration of my member of the City Council, Carlina Rivera. Both great and formidable women. As is our own delightful Five Dollar Feminist.

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Makes me happy too, but I'm not breaking out any champagne yet. No doubt the monster knows how to take a new form and grow again, feeding off the rampant ignorance and paranoia in our country.

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Well now it makes even more sense why the NRA doesn't allow people to carry guns (concealed or otherwise) at headquarters. Buncha greedy underhanded thugs and disgruntled workers, imagine if they were all armed.

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I'm disappointed already!

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Voltaire did the opposite, When asked on his deathbed, by the priest, if he renounced Satan, he replied "My good man, this is no time to be making enemies."

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They certainly own half of the "team."

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