2) above. Ew.

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I'm surprised that Ann seems unfamiliar with the concept of a man going soft on her. I conclude she keeps the lights off and the blackout shades drawn.

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Robyn, to survive in this business, you gots ta keep your head on a swivel.

Because of course she did:

"I don't think it is a change in policy," [Coulter] said of Trump. "The policy is anyone who's here illegally is here illegally, does not have the right to be here. We'll decide whether it's in our interest to let them stay or not. Perhaps it is in our interest to let some of them stay."


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All the bad brown people, form a line next to the buses and enjoy your trip. All the assumptively (it's a word, look it up) good brown people, form a line at the IRS desk and prepare to pay your back taxes. All brown people...no citizenship for you!!!

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No, immigrants will stand single file while an ICE agent walks down the line muttering "Sharia says 'what'..." as he passes each one.

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Considering that Donnie's change and the subsequent tweets will probably result in more book sales, I doubt if she's all that upset.

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I'd assume that all of her sexual partners go limp after she's bitten their heads off.

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She wants to meet a guy who will impose a final solution to the Hispanic problem

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Oh, she'll get that, but, since the book isn't selling as well as expected, he'll negotiate the price per unit down.

And she'll be stupid enough not to get it all up front before she ships.

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Yes, darling.

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Oh, I didn't take it that way at all. It's just the runners around here, and there are many groups of them who run together on Sundays, always look skeletons barely wrapped with some skin, sinew, and little muscly bits on their thighs. Don't even get me going on the "pro" bicyclists here.

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She really feels like she stuck her neck out for Trump.

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SO S-M-R-T! That's bound to work!

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And so frugal, since you need only a microdose per cocktail.

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It's current. Along with the one asking "Have you ever participated in persecutions directed by the Nazi government or Germany; or have you ever participated in genocide?" (Note the qn following the semicolon is post 9/11, as is the "or Germany" bit - when I first filled it in in the 90s it was restricted to Nazi Germany). All of these yes/no questions are followed by a statement that "A 'yes' answer may not necessarily prejudice your application". Presumably a 'yes' answer used to get you an application form for the John Birch society and now gets you an application form for the republican party.

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