See? He's a real Republican candidate! Because it seems like every damn one of them adopts some theme song that the artist a) doesn't get compensated for its use and b) strenuously objects to having it used.
Greg Abbott of Texas claimed to have put millions toward mental health services, but what he didn't tell you is he cut $220 million from TDH for mental health services in 2022, and then restored $112 million this year. But anyone in Texas can buy a gun.
Just once I'd like to hear them say, "And so here's what I propose to do to improve mental health in this country and improve resources for treating mental health problems: ...."
They should stop blaming mental health since they have no intention of doing anything about it!
So while Indian Americans are considered "model minorities" in the US, there's a reason Bobby Jindal couldn't get out of Louisiana even after changing his first name to "Bobby" and that's the GOP's racist base.
I’ve thought about this regarding Vivek, Stephen Miller, and other minorities navigating Republican politics.
I think they believe their access to the centers of conservative political power will insulate them from the world where the Jacksonville shooting exists. It’s not so much their powerful “friends” will protect them, but that they won’t be needing to go to Dollar General or a grocery store to begin with.
They’ve elevated their social class above such activities of the lower rungs of society. I’m sure Miller makes bank at whatever billionaire backed group he set up after Trump lost. Ramaswamy made his millions and has enough money to get other people to do the groceries for him. Same with someone like Clarence Thomas.
"The reality is, we have created such a racialized culture in this country in the last several years that, right as the last few burning embers of racism were burning out, we have a culture in this country largely created by media and establishment and universities and politicians that throw kerosene on that racism."
Ramaswamy has a point. How can we ever get past racism if you stupid liberal cucks keep pointing out all the racism that is out there and won't just let it die out????
Seriously, how does Ramaswamy say that crap with a straight face, ignoring all the shit, subtle or overt, I am sure was aimed at him and his family.
In my youth, we all put up with dumb polack jokes from the rest of the community. My brother held a grudge until he died last month. That stuff has died out now but that doesn't mean we get to be the arses now.
"I'm sure the boogeyman white supremacists exist somewhere in America. I have just never met him. Never seen one. Never met one in my life, right? Maybe I will meet a — maybe I will meet a unicorn sooner. And maybe those exist too."
Fuck you, Ramaswamy.
These "boogeyman white supremacists" exist and some are in my own family. I have had to put up with their hateful bullshit since childhood.
They labeled me a "white n*****" from the time I was like five or six because I had full lips.
When I dated a Black man in my early 20s, they made me afraid to bring him around at family gatherings. When those big yee haw trucks were at my parents' house, signaling that my mom's family members were there, I knew to steer clear if I was with my bf at the time.
And they have only amped up their game, with their "white replacement theory" bullshit and purposefully cranking out the kids in my cousin's generation (most of whom really look like they have fetal alcohol syndrome, which is sad).
One cousin was arrested for making pipe bombs. Likely for some kind of race-based shenanigans.
In HS, there were members of the soccer team what would go on "n***** hunts" with bats and would chase and attempt to beat up any Black kids they found. At one party where my Black boyfriend (the same one mentioned above) came to pick me up, they literally chased him off.
All of this in the Phoenix area in the 70s through 90s.
So, you know what, Ramaswamy? Fuck right off with your edgelord bullshit pretense that white supremacy doesn't exist in this country. Just fuck off into the goddamned sun.
It occurs to me that the media is giving Vivek all this attention because the rest of the candidates are so banal in their partisanship, and he's at least riling the people up. In other words, if Trump ends up barred from running for office, the fucking Fourth Estate is going to get this clown into the primary based on his entertainment value alone. Which is how we ended up with Trump in the first place.
Still waiting for our exceptional media to report how Ramaswamy made his fortune. Super short version: IPO of pharmaceutical company of which success rested on a drug for Alzheimer’s that proved first *very* expensive, then very ineffective.
I dunno, I would think it newsworthy and important at that. Of course, the media have their love for horse race coverage...
Here's an interesting one. His biotech company got gobbled up by somebody bigger with Ramaswamy getting a seat on the board. Then, he resigned to run for president. Now, some of the other principles in the deal want to depose him about how he valued his holding for the sale.
Haven't read through all 227 comments, so sorry if this has been posted already, but this made me smile today:
See? He's a real Republican candidate! Because it seems like every damn one of them adopts some theme song that the artist a) doesn't get compensated for its use and b) strenuously objects to having it used.
𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑦 𝑖𝑠, 𝑤𝑒 ℎ𝑎𝑣𝑒 𝑎 𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑎𝑙 ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑙𝑡ℎ 𝑒𝑝𝑖𝑑𝑒𝑚𝑖𝑐 𝑖𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑠 𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡𝑟𝑦. 𝑇ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒 𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝑟𝑒𝑝𝑜𝑟𝑡𝑠 𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑠 𝑝𝑎𝑟𝑡𝑖𝑐𝑢𝑙𝑎𝑟 𝑖𝑛𝑑𝑖𝑣𝑖𝑑𝑢𝑎𝑙, 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑝𝑒𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑜𝑟, 𝑤𝑎𝑠 𝑖𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑒𝑑 𝑒𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑎𝑙 ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑙𝑡ℎ 𝑑𝑒𝑓𝑖𝑐𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑖𝑒𝑠 𝑎𝑠 𝑤𝑒𝑙𝑙.
Just once, I'd like to hear the followup: Should someone like this be prevented from having access to guns?
Greg Abbott of Texas claimed to have put millions toward mental health services, but what he didn't tell you is he cut $220 million from TDH for mental health services in 2022, and then restored $112 million this year. But anyone in Texas can buy a gun.
Just once I'd like to hear them say, "And so here's what I propose to do to improve mental health in this country and improve resources for treating mental health problems: ...."
They should stop blaming mental health since they have no intention of doing anything about it!
Let's face it. Bobby's teeth weren't white enough. Ramaswarmy has got that down. What glass ceiling?
So while Indian Americans are considered "model minorities" in the US, there's a reason Bobby Jindal couldn't get out of Louisiana even after changing his first name to "Bobby" and that's the GOP's racist base.
He has less natural charisma than Scott Walker. Good enough for governor, but not for president.
But OJ thinks Vivek has some great ideas, especially slashing government spending!
Fucking OJ!! Viv has the coveted OJ endorsement! It's all over for the competition.
I'm still mystified that he appears to think the Nazis and KKK on the right will somehow accept him. Needs to find out the hard way I guess.
I’ve thought about this regarding Vivek, Stephen Miller, and other minorities navigating Republican politics.
I think they believe their access to the centers of conservative political power will insulate them from the world where the Jacksonville shooting exists. It’s not so much their powerful “friends” will protect them, but that they won’t be needing to go to Dollar General or a grocery store to begin with.
They’ve elevated their social class above such activities of the lower rungs of society. I’m sure Miller makes bank at whatever billionaire backed group he set up after Trump lost. Ramaswamy made his millions and has enough money to get other people to do the groceries for him. Same with someone like Clarence Thomas.
"The reality is, we have created such a racialized culture in this country in the last several years that, right as the last few burning embers of racism were burning out, we have a culture in this country largely created by media and establishment and universities and politicians that throw kerosene on that racism."
Ramaswamy has a point. How can we ever get past racism if you stupid liberal cucks keep pointing out all the racism that is out there and won't just let it die out????
Any Republican will tell you it is much worse to call someone out on their racist behavior than to actually be a racist.
Great role playing Lionel.
Seriously, how does Ramaswamy say that crap with a straight face, ignoring all the shit, subtle or overt, I am sure was aimed at him and his family.
In my youth, we all put up with dumb polack jokes from the rest of the community. My brother held a grudge until he died last month. That stuff has died out now but that doesn't mean we get to be the arses now.
His companies are under investigation. He is running for president to stay rich and out of jail.
He is using the campaign to avoid testifying cuz he's so busy!
"right as the last few burning embers of racism were burning out"
when was that again?
Burning of Atlanta, Gone With the Wind
oh, the normal tourist visit?
except with fewer Confederate flags
Avivek here is the poster boy for the mental health epidemic in this country.
"The problem is obviously that we're in the middle of a mental health crisis in this country"
"So how much money are you willing to dedicate of mental health initiatives if you are elected?"
"Sorry, what now? Next question, please."
This, here.
This guy make all his money doing something with pharmaceuticals, right? Probably something to do with price-gouging. I don't feel like looking it up.
Why do these useless fucks who made it big with what amounts to gambling on a computer think they know everything about everything?
They're rich.
"I'm sure the boogeyman white supremacists exist somewhere in America. I have just never met him. Never seen one. Never met one in my life, right? Maybe I will meet a — maybe I will meet a unicorn sooner. And maybe those exist too."
Fuck you, Ramaswamy.
These "boogeyman white supremacists" exist and some are in my own family. I have had to put up with their hateful bullshit since childhood.
They labeled me a "white n*****" from the time I was like five or six because I had full lips.
When I dated a Black man in my early 20s, they made me afraid to bring him around at family gatherings. When those big yee haw trucks were at my parents' house, signaling that my mom's family members were there, I knew to steer clear if I was with my bf at the time.
And they have only amped up their game, with their "white replacement theory" bullshit and purposefully cranking out the kids in my cousin's generation (most of whom really look like they have fetal alcohol syndrome, which is sad).
One cousin was arrested for making pipe bombs. Likely for some kind of race-based shenanigans.
In HS, there were members of the soccer team what would go on "n***** hunts" with bats and would chase and attempt to beat up any Black kids they found. At one party where my Black boyfriend (the same one mentioned above) came to pick me up, they literally chased him off.
All of this in the Phoenix area in the 70s through 90s.
So, you know what, Ramaswamy? Fuck right off with your edgelord bullshit pretense that white supremacy doesn't exist in this country. Just fuck off into the goddamned sun.
This guy is such a prick.
It occurs to me that the media is giving Vivek all this attention because the rest of the candidates are so banal in their partisanship, and he's at least riling the people up. In other words, if Trump ends up barred from running for office, the fucking Fourth Estate is going to get this clown into the primary based on his entertainment value alone. Which is how we ended up with Trump in the first place.
Still waiting for our exceptional media to report how Ramaswamy made his fortune. Super short version: IPO of pharmaceutical company of which success rested on a drug for Alzheimer’s that proved first *very* expensive, then very ineffective.
I dunno, I would think it newsworthy and important at that. Of course, the media have their love for horse race coverage...
Here's an interesting one. His biotech company got gobbled up by somebody bigger with Ramaswamy getting a seat on the board. Then, he resigned to run for president. Now, some of the other principles in the deal want to depose him about how he valued his holding for the sale.
That’s so Trumpy!
I wonder whether he’ll flameout before the media investigates how he made his fortune. Of course, if they bother which I doubt they do.
Even Trumpier: making one’s fortune by means just barely this side of legal.
SO WEIRD that no one can bother to ask how the "run government like a business" guy ran his business
"The reality is..."
"...the fact of the matter is..."
"Well, the fact is..."
Vivek has a tell.
Vivake is a fake
Ramaswamy should just delete his accounts - all of them, including running for ANY kind of office.