It's becoming increasingly clear that the freedom-loving countries of the word are going to have to band together and go their own way as far as the U.S. is concerned. We're going to be of no help when it comes to resisting the encroachments of the authoritarian regimes in the world.

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"I guess the Melania-bot doesn't need to pee."Or she's learned to be real sneaky about it.

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He did do the dementia test, and was so proud he passed, he got the best scores of all presidents. (he was the only sitting president ever to take one)

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8 GOPher senators gallivanting around in Moscow on July 4th is just totally normal as well.

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But did you have sexual relations. With. That. Woman.?

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I had tickets for their Chicago show, which was the next stop on their tour, I believe.

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My rule of thumb is if the kid's old enough to ask to be breastfed.....it's waaaaay past time to wean them.

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Sughra Imam said. "Laws are supposed to guide better behavior, not allow destructive behavior to continue with impunity."Republicans: "Screw that, there's money to be made!"

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My wife gave my stepson a good thump on the cheek when he bit her - he didn't do it any more.

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Right up there with "I wish my uterus fired bullets, then the government would leave it alone."

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And it has to be sold at at least $1000 a plate, so only the Republican elite can buy it, to own the libs

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You mean Led Zeppelin's final US concert, right? They played in England in 1979 and Germany in 1980 before John Bonham had his unfortunate accident with vomit.

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The ones I really, really, don't get are the women who keep breastfeeding their kids well after - I mean YEARS after - they should have been weaned. That's just.... I can't even....

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Boob in the WH tries to overturn the landmark, 'I Like Boobs a Lot' decision from the 70's.https://www.youtube.com/wat...

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My wife just about died because of medical complications with our first child. It also prevented her from breastfeeding. Fast forward six months, and some rando dude at a home products exhibition is loudly explaining to her how morally inferior she was for not breastfeeding.

I don't know rando dude is still alive today, but he survived that encounter. Barely.

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