Nancy reminds me of Tom Hanks in Saving Private Ryan. Sappers, after tremendous losses, had just detonated the German's cement machine gun tower that had been slaughtering GIs, and flaming Nazis came pouring out of the portals, already fatally burned but still running and screaming for death. When a private raised his M1 to finish one of them off, Hanks put his hand over the soldier's rifle barrel and just said no, wait. Hanks character knew what he was doing and so does Nancy Pelosi. It's hard to wait for the flames to burn out the contagion of Trump Republicanism, but that is just exactly what must be done or Trump is going use an impeachment to garner support and could well both beat the charges AND get reelected, then continue on to another term of further destruction of our country but now claim he is immune to all charges by claiming double jeopardy, whether that actually applies or not.

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She is straight up trolling him. I love it.

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Whenever a stand-in mouthpiece or Republican tries to shitsplain Trump’s commentary, I think of Key & Peele’s skit with Obama’s Anger Translator, Luther. Only in reverse.

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WHAR emperor''s clothes?

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This is some Kim Jong Un shit being thrown at us.

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Will they be executed by anti-aircraft cannon or just eaten by starving dogs?

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