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Never mind immigration reform, taking clerical work seriously would be a great start.

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Just wait till it figures out how to dab.

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And it will never stop talking about crossfit.

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"Well, it looks something like a man's penis. Only smaller."

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Miss Dearheart gave him a very brief look, and shook her head. There was movement under the table, a small fleshy kind of noise and the drunk suddenly bent forward, colour draining from his face. Probably only he and Moist heard Miss Dearheart purr: ‘What is sticking in your foot is a Mitzy “Pretty Lucretia” four-inch heel, the most dangerous footwear in the world. Considered as pounds per square inch, it’s like being trodden on by a very pointy elephant. Now, I know what you’re thinking: you’re thinking, “Could she press it all the way through to the floor?” And, you know, I’m not sure about that myself. The sole of your boot might give me a bit of trouble, but nothing else will. But that’s not the worrying part. The worrying part is that I was forced practically at knifepoint to take ballet lessons as a child, which means I can kick like a mule; you are sitting in front of me; and I have another shoe. Good, I can see you have worked that out. I’m going to withdraw the heel now.’There was a small ‘pop’ from under the table. With great care the man stood up, turned and, without a backward glance, lurched unsteadily away.‘Can I bother you?’ said Moist. Miss Dearheart nodded, and he sat down, with his legs crossed. ‘He was only a drunk,’ he ventured.‘Yes, men say that sort of thing,’ said Miss Dearheart.-Terry Pratchett, Going Postal

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As long as the robots exclude other animals from their human genocide, I'm fine with it. We fucked up. Reboot time.

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daughter Alice

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Anything to hurt people. Anything at all.

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"...lately, Congress is barely capable of doing anything at all."

Oh, I don't know. They cash their paychecks OK.

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Perhaps. But at the rate these bastards are dismantling everything that made your country something to be proud of, you might NEED to take to the streets before it disappears completely.

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Seems a fair trade to me.

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Where are you going to find a sucker willing to make that trade?

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That headline. Yes.

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They get to paid speaking gigs pretty well, too. Don't even wait for the check to clear if it's the American Enterprise Institute or the Heritage Foundation. They know the johns are good for it.

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Why try to improve on perfection, is my question:


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