You could combine sex ed with home economics, and show the price of a box of condoms vs a box of diapers, and also ask the teenage maggots which one looks like it's easier to carry. (I have 2 teenage chilluns btw and have already given them this lecture)

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Also, too, provide the average length of time they last. A standard box of diapers is, what, three days at most? Box of condoms only lasts three days if you're both high on viagra and have no other plans for the weekend.

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Sounds like an incredible weekend.

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It's always Obama's fault in that family, like he is their next door neighbor in Wasilla. It was his fault that Track was an abusive boyfriend.

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Gonna need moar moniez, tho.

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Donald Trump, who was fucking a pron star while his third wife was pregnant and has paid hush money to perhaps dozens of sex workers to keep quiet about their dalliances, is heading up an administration that's promoting abstinence only sex education.


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Strange how most of these abstinence nuts are also anti choice pro-forced-birth hypocrites. If the were genuinely anti abortion they would be the strongest proponents of good sex ed.

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steers, and yes, for sure.

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Exactly with a minor correction IMHO....abstain from pre-marital and extra-marital sex.

If they are going to preach it then they need live the example.No do as I say not as I do.

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See: Trickle Down

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The logic of your last paragraph could be applied to all sorts of things! Guns, abortion, climate change, military spending, etc. etc. -- excellent work.

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At the school where I teach, they had a teen mom program for the pregnant teenagers. One of them left a folder behind one day and I looked in it, there was a pamphlet on abstinence. Hello!!! They're already pregnant!

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Well, Roy Moore is kinda at loose ends these days.

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Was good snark. Carry on.

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"Just Say NO" didn't work with drugs, and it sure as Hell ain't gonna work with sex. However, stupid, judgmental, god-bothering busybodies want to make both the only way to go. What ever happened to minding your own damn business?!?

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Oh, I've heard that "natural state" bullshit also too... and can top it with what some delightfully moral genius opined just a couple of days ago. In response to the point that forcing women to carry unwanted pregnancies to term violates their autonomy and is, in fact, gestational slavery, Captain Morality weighed in with:

"Let's assume you're correct, that banning late term abortion would be making women slaves. What's wrong with that? As Mother Teresa famously said, “If abortion isn't wrong then nothing is wrong.” You've got no grounds to claim that slavery is bad, or that anything is bad.

I have, but I recognize that slavery isn't the worst thing in the world. Murder is worse than slavery and that's what you're defending. It’s silly to pretend that these are the choices, but if they are then it actually would be better to stop the baby killing by making all women slaves than to kill millions of innocent baby girls."

So really, what's a little slavery between friends as long as Mr. Dipshit gets to own and operate someone else's uterus?

It blows my mind that fuckwits like that exist and are saying the quiet parts out loud these days.

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