In a just universe, we'd seize Trump's and all his flunkies' assets to defray the costs.

Good luck with that. By the time they pay the attorneys' fees, fines, court costs, etc., I doubt there'll be anything left.

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Exactly. You showed her up by something good. Don't be modest, you helped a stranger and her children. You're a decent human being.

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I can imagine the pride they will have when they get to show a video of baby's first goose step.

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I think I've read that story before. Very Dickisonian. Bleak even.

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If you scrape off the name you could probably sell Trump Tower for a few million -- more if you get rid the stench of Russian #Peehooker, rancid fast food grease, and Jr's coke from the top few floors.

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will this special office prosecute anybody?

I'm not being shitty, I really want to know. Is anybody going to be prosecuted for this?

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I just got done reading a New Yorker profile of what might be called an ultra-master carpenter -- a guy who builds unique, impossible-looking homes for New York City billionaires. At one point it says:

But the very worst, in [the carpenter's] experience, was Trump Tower. In an apartment he renovated there, the windows howled and had no weather stripping, and the electrical circuits seemed patched together with extension-cord wire. The floors were so out of level, he told me, you could drop a marble and watch it roll.

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I remember where doing trick or Treat for UNICEF was completely normal and human, with every person responding kindly or at least hiding their annoyance. Now -- meaning 2021 as 2020 sucked -- it would be considered radical communist One World Government behavior and the kids might actually be at risk of harm from Q lunatics.

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I was not real clear, so let me clarify my meaning of "migrant." I'm talking about the ag worker population that moves regularly and seasonally to wherever the work is, often all around the country, as planting and harvest seasons for various crops are happening. Many but certainly not all are undocumented. All are apt to get fucked on wages, the undocumented ones probably even more so.

As a matter of economics I think you're both right and wrong because looking at ag production through a pure lens of willing-to-pay also suggest willing to crash the ag economy or subsidize it even more heavily than we already do -- which goes back to the issue of no political will to fix the labor problems. The whole ag production industry would scream that it would collapse if we make employers pay more.

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That shit would stop if the companies faced real consequences for employing undocumented workers. Maybe something like this: take the hourly wage the company was paying and multiply by 10, then multiply that by the total number of hours the undocumented worked was employed.

Do that for each employee involved. Add that number to a penalty of, say $50,000.00 for a first offense, doubling for each subsequent violation.

Suddenly it is no longer cost-effective to keep exploiting the undocumented. And I do like the idea of jailing the employer, too.

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King Solomon would rule that the parents be cut in two.

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I hope he gets to spend a lot of time soon with the child, what with being unemployed soon and all that.

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Neener, neener, neener. You're a decent person. :)

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Also, too close the loopholes that allow some businesses to pay sub-minimum wages like restaurants.

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Not precisely true - KJV English was consciously old-fashioned even for the time.

Funny thing about Shakespeare. In the 42nd Psalm (KJV), the 42nd word is "shake" and the 42nd word from the end is "spear". This could be a total coincidence or Scottish Jimmy might have gotten himself some top-notch help on the poetry translations.

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