So, Deripaska et al. treat sanctions exactly the way Trump "placed his businesses in a blind trust." IOW, nyet.

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OMG, that was HER???That explains so much about how bad that movie was - I mean, I have a shameful passion for B-grade schlocky horror movies, but this was SO boring and lame.

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True that. I worked in Russia for a couple of years back in the early 90's and of course I knew some local Russians - but nothing like the fuck-ton of the Trump administration's contacts. Weirdly enough, and I don't know why, when I came back home after 2 years, I lied to my family and friends and said I had absolutely no contacts with Russia. Should I hire Rudy Giullani??

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With all the intelligent, young, REAL Dems prepping to run in 2020, I expect old Bernsides to sit this one out, looking for a potential winner who might feel sorry for him and give him a taxpayer-subsidized job in the new administration.

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That's the problem with the rich, that they never feel that they're rich enough.

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The ROI has been fantastic.

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You don't need to, he will automatically come to your 'defense.'

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Besides which, the Putins of this world have as their standard operating procedure, "If you cannot bribe a fellow, get blackmail on him; it's often cheaper."

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Repeat after me Bernie...


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Executive Producer is just the money person AFAIK so yeah it’s fine.

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Not OT at all it turns out, the fact that federal prison guards are having to sell their shit on Letgo, or that some Coasties and TSA agents are facing eviction for non-payment of rent quantifies as a real and present danger to our national security, an aspect that hasn't come up in the MSM to my knowledge, they're too busy bothsidesing the story to smell the real one.

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He don't want no Asian woman hair*, LOL.

* Wigs are made of hair from women from India who sell their hair for money

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Kids, this is what you will look like if you hate people your whole life

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That's one nice thing about Cali.

Whenever I see some God license plate, I'm thinking, there is a Trump voter.

But that's as awful as it gets (they're undercover, plain clothes racists here)

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Mnuchin is nothing if not a sneaky bastage. He's just not sneaky enough to completely hide his collusion... oops, did I say collusion... I meant conspiracy... oops, did I say conspiracy... I meant complicity, yeah, complicity. He hides it behind that smug grin he so often wears after he's poked us all and gotten his yayas. Maybe his new actress wife should be worried. He really gets off on fucking the rest of us. Oops, again...we must have been rogered roundly. He's grinning.

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