Solves the social security and Medicare problems

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Atlas? {Shrug} Here's the guy Dear Leader really needs to get his Covidiot advice from: https://www.theguardian.com...

Tony Abbott, the former Australian prime minister tipped to become a UK trade envoy, has railed against Covid “health dictatorships”, saying the economic cost of lockdowns meant families should be allowed to consider letting elderly relatives with the coronavirus die by letting nature take its course.He claimed it was costing the Australian government as much as $200,000 (£110,000) to give an elderly person an extra year’s life, substantially beyond what governments would usually pay for life-saving drugs.Abbott said not enough politicians were “thinking like health economists trained to pose uncomfortable questions about the level of deaths we might have to live with”. More politicians should have asked whether the cure was proportionate to the disease.

One has to admire the 'don't-give-a-shit-for-PC' bluntness of the other English-speaking conservatives; so unlike our own Karen cons who still feel the need to find the most gossamer and skimpiest of fig leaves to hide their naked contempt for everyone else.

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i'm not going there.

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This Trump Principle is even better than the Peter Principle. With the Peter Principle a competent person was repeatedly advanced to higher positions until s/he no longer could do the job effectively. With the Trump Principle you just put the least qualified person in charge at the start.

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I have read articles online ( you know they are always true) that mention possible sterility. Why don't we spread the word and maybe some of these idiots will start wearing a mask.

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Most HIV is WAY EASIER to prevent than Covid19. Wear a condom.

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Don't these idiots understand what will happen to our already over stressed healthcare providers if millions of people deathly ill with this virus ends up in our hospitals. Nurses , doctors and other healthcare minions are already burning out and one doctor committed suicide because she couldn't take it anymore. Where will the PPE and medical supplies come from to treat all these Americans or do they just plan for one of their fascist goons to shoot us in the head before we get admitted to an ER. For that matter where in hell is all the money going to come from for treating and or burying all these victims?I really hate these idiots. They just don't think ahead and think about the possible consequences of their actions and frankly they don't give a damn. They hold up Sweden as the way that our pandemic response should be, but Sweden has an excellent healthcare system and we have an Edsel.

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So, are we just not even gonna do the demon sex thing any more, or...?

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For those not familiar, the Racine-Kenosha area was essentially a dumping ground for all the toxins from MKE and northeast IL manufacturing waste. In the the 70's, it was all but abandoned by those industries, and it now boasts a Black unemployment rate that is about 3x that of the rest of the state.It reminds me a lot of Lowell, MA for those that are familiar with that part of the country.

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Today is September 1.The election is two months away.Lord Shithole has been around a pretty fair number of people who have tested positive for coronavirus.

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That's the only possible response: "You first".

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Mein Fuhrer, I can walk!

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Peter, the Little Shepherd Boy?

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"Tony Abbott, the former Australian prime minister legendary bigoted idiot tipped to become a UK trade envoy"


Abbott is consistently on the wrong side of any debate. He doesn't believe in climate change, equal rights for women, same-sex marriage (despite having a gay sister), or legal abortion. He is a right-wing Catholic, which is the worst kind, a friend and defender of alleged kiddy fondlers and sexual abusers.

If anyone needs the plug pulled on them, it's this grifting, lying, ignorant sack of inane and useless beliefs, and I would gladly volunteer for the job.

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Sigh. I'm going to buy a whole lot of replacement filters for my respirator. Sigh.

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1% case fatality and 65% for herd immunity are pretty rosy numbers, IMO. It is postulated that it takes a minimum of 70% wearing masks to reduce the re-transmission rate to less than 1, but that is still not zero. And this is all ignoring long-term disease-induced disabilities, which appear to not be trivial although it would be helpful to have some solid data on that.

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