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with friends like this, who needs enemies?

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Lots of Israelis have versions of that joke.

In ancient time, a little bit of petroleum tar would bubble to the surface of the Dead Sea once in a while. But the deposit must be gone now, because I haven't read any account of it in modern times.

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Montana is quite pretty.

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The inconvenient truth is that there is an evolving relationship between the Islamic government of Turkey and the CSKT. See: http://ssrn.com/abstract=27...

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Can't say it would be undeserved.....with votes, of course.

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Or Israel.

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Helena was ConstantinopleNow it's Helena, not ConstatntinopleSo if there's a dam in ConstantinopleInjuns own it in He-le-na!

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What in God's name does it take to be too racist and paranoid for the John Birch Society?

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You know this cat was actually Italian, right?

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I don't remember where I read it, but apparently working for the Trump campaign is a death sentence when it comes to future employment whether it be political or corporate. So a foreign policy adviser that thinks Turkey and Native Americans are conspiring to obtain nukes sounds about right.

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It's also working well for the War On Women Committee.

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But wait, I see where he's going: if them Injuns get th' dam, they won't take care of it more than the US don't take care of it, and it'll burst, and then small boats with hundreds and hundreds of Islamic Turks will come rowing up the river, and sneaking into the US that way, and it'll be a Third Column to Attack the Heartland!

Right, wonkette?


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I do now...Biff52 filled me in. Even though Italian he represented well.

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