There was a brief moment where I thought he was going to be a half way decent president. I thought he was pretending to be a fool, to get the morons to vote for him, and then he'd do really populist things to cement his popularity, once he was elected. I thought he might actually be a political genius for a short time period. Meanwhile, he turns out to be an actual idiot who embraced every bad idea the GOP has ever had. Nobody in the GOP has figured out yet that nobody likes their ideas, including the people who vote for them.

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I want a president Pence even less than I want a president Trump. Pence will give the illusion of sanity and competence, but with the same bad ideas as Trump. Trump will continue to sow chaos and dissent, which makes everyone hate him. I'm not counting on winning 2018, but I think we'll slaughter him in 2020.

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I'm disappointed that you got through this entire post without using the word "lickspittle". It's such a good word.

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Personally, I hope he's doing it because he lost a bet.

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Humpty Trumpty tries the Humpty Dumpty defense.

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Don't you think it's worse--they literally don't care? They're bought and paid for by big money, the oil interests, Russia, etc, and in their amoral minds, their job is entirely to service those people, not the pesky "constituents" with their stupid protest signs. They're completely corrupt.

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Upvote for the Apocalypse Now reference. Now for something completely different:

"Raymond Shaw is the kindest, bravest, warmest, most wonderful human being I've ever known in my life."

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I belive that was the late great Dennis Hopper.

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Spicey is winning just for his "nuh-uh, it wasn't a typo, it was a secret message to the cool kids club" explanation of the covfefe tweet. I mean just, Jesus Christ man.http://www.cnn.com/2017/05/...

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Yeah, and btw. the Democrats are not equally corrupt as some seem to believe. Got their problems sure, but we now have a President with conflicts of interest that are completely unprecedented in history. Nobody knows who his business partners are or how much money he owes, or to whom. Or how much tax he's paid or avoided, and how. And that is even before you get into whatever dirt the Russians have on him and whatever he's done to not get that delivered on the front page. But I think pretty soon, if not already, the FBI is going to know all of that.

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Um, nice. But given the trend of things, I think "apparatchik" would be fairly appropriate, too.

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Daubenmire. What a fine representative of the Prince of Peace. I'll bet he has a face that need punching.

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Put them on Craigslist with a gmail account. http://www.stltoday.com/new...

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