He will never die. He's their Emmanuel Goldstein.

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Yeah, it's the blood libel. Some people just will not let go of that shit.

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I have another cat story for you: the evolution of Johnny's name.

When we got Mei, it was easy-peasy naming her. When the new kittens came in January, it was more problematic. As I said, Johnny's tail has a little kink in it, while his brother's tail was perfect. That little kink was the deciding factor in our keeping him, its being a keepsake from his mama and an endearing feature. The other kitten's tail was perfect. Anyway, with new-born kittens it's difficult to tell their sex and I thought they were both females. At first I thought of naming 'her' Jan or Jannie for January, but Japanese has only five vowel sounds, and the short English 'a' is not one of them. Thus there was no way in hell a Japanese could pronounce either of those names. I thought of names of similar sound and came up with 'Joni', after my most favoritest lady singer, Joni Mitchell, which is easy for Japanese to pronounce. It was during the 'Joni' period that I took my most favoritest kitty picture. While I was sitting on the couch reading, up pops this little kitty head with a “Watcha doin'?” look. https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

As Joni matured, certain anatomical features developed that made it blatantly obvious that Joni was an entirely inappropriate name. She was most definitely a he. Thus Joni became Johnny, which is also very easy for Japanese to say, and thus he has remained. At other times I may call him my bonny Johnny boy, Johnny Be Good or Jonathon B. Cat, the 'B' standing for 'Big' or“Bad'. He can be a real jerk to his mama sometimes or he'll sometimes knock something over and then give you a big, wide-eyed innocent "Who? Me?" look. A total goofball, but he's my buddy. Mei, of course, is much more the little lady. As soon as I sit back in the couch, she makes a beeline for my stomach. I become cat furniture, and she's the happiest little cat in the world, purring like crazy. I guess it's her safe place. Such is the feline life in our house.

I like the names of your cats and especially the story about Frodo. Cats have this amazing sense, don't they, of knowing exactly who will be a total sucker and take them in. I've had cats come up to me on the street and I soooooooo wanted to take them home with me, but it's just not possible. :0(. Two is our limit.

Anyway, give your two feline companions multiple skritches under their chins and tummy rubs for me. Also, too, if you don't already know, if you want to send a cat into total bliss, give him or her an ear massage. With our two, they get a look on their faces as if they have achieved Nirvana. If you have any pictures of them (Silly thing to say, I know.) I'd love to see them. If it makes it any easier, you can send them to my PC at sodesuyo1985@gmail.com.

Please be aware that I shall always be indebted to you for your suggestion about getting to sleep. It works most of the time, but sometimes I can't get my mind out of gear. This bomb business has really messed me up. Damn, I hope they catch that bastard (Bombers tend to be loners and men, but you never know.) and find he's a hard core RWNJ Trumpkin. Show that orange pustule just what he's done to our country, not that he'd take any responsibility for it, of course. I think I just need to keep in mind that a cat would never do that.

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She is gorgeous! They're bot gorgeous! Rescue kitties are the best. My two are so - Casey I got from a friend whose neighbor abandoned her when the family moved. Frodo simply walked up to me on the street - 8 weeks old, skinny, flea-raddled - and demanded that I TAKE HIM HOME RIGHT NOW. He was a tiny little thing, too, and to this day doesn't understand that he has to cover his poop after going (not having had the good home training). But he's a big guy, and Casey is a delicate older lady. I love them both dearly.

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Done and often. However, did you know that he is but half of our Occasionally Dynamic But Usually Somnolent Duo? Meet the matriarch of the family, Mei (pronounced exactly like May). This picture shows off her most distinctive feature, the kink in the end of her tail. Please ignore sundry other stuff.


She was a rescue cat in the truest sense of the word. A woman was walking along a road and noticed a big crow pecking at something she thought at first was a mouse. Then she heard a tiny 'mew', saw that it was an equally tiny kitten and chased the crow away. We had recently lost a cat who had died suddenly. Serendipity stepped in when she was looking for a home for the kitten and found us, who were looking for a new cat. The kitten couldn't have been more than a few weeks old as she was smaller than the palm of my hand when I held her. I named her Mei because we got her in the month of May, 2012, and is also a nice female name in English and Japanese. The Japanese character for Mei is 明 and means 'brightness'. The left part of the character is the sun and the right, the moon. She's a crafty little devil who soon learned how to open the sliding front door. Before we were able to get her spayed, she slipped outside and *ahem* found a boyfriend. I noticed that she was getting progressively chubbier and thought, "Uh-oh, she's preggers." Sure enough, on 1/15/2015, out popped two kittens. At first my wife and I were worried how well she'd be able to take care of them since she apparently had been abandoned by her mother, but instinct kicked in and she was the perfect little mommy to her kittens. She's since been spayed, which is good because she still slips outside occasionally. We gave Johnny's twin brother to a nice lady living in Tokyo because there was just no way we could handle three cats, with two of them the size of Johnny (16.5 lbs.), in our little housette. Mei is also very people friendly, although it's better to let her come to you on first meeting, which she will and probably settle down in your lap. She just doesn't like to be grabbed right away by people she doesn't know. Johnny doesn't care and loves to be picked up by anybody, but he's quite the armfull. Oof! He also has the tiniest little kink in the end of his tail, courtesy of his mama, but you wouldn't know unless you felt for it. Thus endeth the tale. I hope you liked it.

Here's a shot of the two together as they escape from the vacuum monster. You can see the difference in size between them. Mei is light as a feather compared to Big John.


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Oh, and give Johnny a scritch behind the ears for me.

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Sounds good. The point of the dream journal isn't necessarily an accurate description. It can just be impressions. The idea is that thinking about the dream and trying to capture some of it helps your mind deal with too vivid or exhausting dreams. Brings order to the chaos, even if it's only a little at first. It's like how writers always tell people that if they want to write, they have to buckle down every day and write something even if it's crap. The point is the writing, not the product. But if it doesn't suit you, that's fine! Whatever works for you is the goal. :)

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You seem to be turning into my sleep therapist. :0)

Well, I calmed down, cranked up the music again and got to sleep shortly after I finished my previous post to you, about 6-ish. Got about five hours sleep. I almost fell asleep again on the couch and then thought, "Wait a minute. This is stupid. This'll put me right back to square one." So I put on my street duds, bicycled to the bank to slightly replenish my depleted wallet, then to my favorite hobby shop to get some things for a model I'm determined to finish, then home again; all in the name of staying awake until this evening. The fit is just one of those things that happen to me, given the right, or perhaps better, wrong trigger. I don't think anything could have stopped it from happening. Hopefully it was a one-off. Anyway, I have listened to other channels, but I like the other worldliness of this one. I'm very interested in astronomy and this channel gives me a sort of out-there feeling, traveling around the universe. It's put me out when I was sure I wouldn't be able to sleep. We'll see what happens tonight, Wonkette willing.

As for a dream journal, once I get to sleep, I'm down for the count and don't wake up until I wake up, if you catch my meaning. Also,too, trying to describe my dreams, when I remember them, would be like trying to describe an Escher print. They tend to be very vivid in detail but also very strange. It'd be awesome if I could download them onto my computer. I've had some doozies. There is also the problem that I'm so tired when I wake up, writing about anything is the last thing on my mind. Basically, I'm not coherent until I've had my caffeine fix, two big mugsful of English Breakfast Tea. By then the dream has dissipated like smoke in a breeze. Bit of a non-starter there, I'm afraid. Thanks for the suggestion, though.

Finally, Johnny, being the attention whore that he is, is indulging in Felis interruptus again. He's such a silly.

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You're very welcome. I hope it works for you. It does take a few days to get used to it. And even thought that music might sound ideal, it might not be the right fit. I'd recommend going to the latest entry on a couple of those sleep music channels and asking if you should be looking for a particular frequency or tone level. That can make a difference, but it's trial and error. I guess I'm lucky that my brain didn't put up much of a fight on it. Good luck and I hope you find just the right fit!

As to your dreaming, perhaps try a dream journal. Just a notebook you keep next to your bed, and every time you wake up from a dream, write down what you remember. This can help to give structure to your dreaming and perhaps calm your mind down. It might work - like the Jewish mamas say, "It can't hurt." :)

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I've been trying this for four days now. Mine is a small laptop and I just switch LAN cords when I move from the living room to my futon room. Works like a charm. I use this channel.https://www.youtube.com/wat...

I've found that with the YouTube volume all the way up and the laptop's volume at full, the volume level from the little laptop speakers is perfect. The laptop is about two feet from the right side of my futon. I put a couple of thick books under it to raise the speakers to ear level.

Soooo, the first three days seemed to go swimmingly. I got to sleep when I was sure I wouldn't be able to. My Circadian rhythm is shot to hell, mostly because you damn Wonketeers keep me up so late. :0) However, this morning, having got to bed after 2 AM, again because Wonkette, I was trying to sleep when the brain just went bugfuck crazy around 4:20 AM. I was thrashing violently about in a mad fit for I don't know how long, in a state of complete confusion and I guess anxiety. It's very difficult to describe exactly. Total physical and emotional chaos. It's 5:35 right now, and I'm reading to try and calm down. This has happened before, before I tried the music therapy. It was from complete frustration at not being able to sleep. I think that was part of this, but there was definitely another component involved that I have no words to describe. Anyhoo, I'm going to continue reading for a while and try to calm down enough to maybe get to sleep. Also, too, I still dream like crazy, so, even though I get to sleep, I still wake up wasted. Sort of a win-lose situation. *sigh* I'll try again tonight and hope for the best. Maybe it's just a matter of getting fully used to the music. We'll see. I am still grateful for your suggestion. I hope (a word I rarely use) this will eventually bring a little order into this disordered sleep situation.

So it goes.

PS: Fuck Trump and all his pasty faced sycophants

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full employment and fruit rotting on the trees. < this link goes to an article about a labor shortage in Australia

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"Mr Hooman, please report to Lost and Found to reclaim your neck"

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Go back and pay your bar tab, Gaetz, you're drunk

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I think we need to go further back than that, even. The CIA was behind a civil war down in Central America (Honduras? Guatemala?), on behalf of the United Fruit Co. back in 50's (IIRC).

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I think it has something to do with them being "Christ killers." So what I don't understand is: if you believe that Christ is the Son of God, who was sent here to die for our sins, why would you hate the Jews, who were simply playing out their part in God's plan?

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*heart emoji* I love grammar nerds.

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