What about pictures of each other's poop?

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Dead jail bait?

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So lipstick equals codpieces? o.0

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I feel like I'm walking on glass but it's going good!

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Cue Trump to tweet-bash Bezos for personally telling Twitch to ban him. Because I'm sure that's just what happened. <eyeroll>

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apparently its gotten even worse in the last couple of days.

Parler: the new social media site for free speech is already banning and censoring their new Nazi , white supremist, and misogynists users:- no longer have handles such as "cumdumpster69"- no longer can you call for the death of all the (((globalists))) that they richly deserve.- no longer can you just spam racial epithets such as "n$$ger, bitch or K$ke" in peoples comments.

These are tough times. Pray for out free speech WARRIORS!

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Me too! His stutter is apparent, but he’s answering the fucking question from the press with real answers. I’m liking it and feel reassured.

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...and wave your private parts at their aunties, as well. Also.

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He's so good.

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That's as surprising as a highly contagious virus being.. highly contagious.

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Maybe that's why FB seems to have gotten even more infested with trolls, just scattered with no rhyme or reason. Example: NBC story on the movie "The Heights", just really basic, talking to the leads and that the movie's release is postponed. 7 of the 14 comments were trolls. Just stupid shit that is typical trump nonsense. Are they going into withdrawal so getting their troll fix anywhere they can?

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Humble man that Molyneux is...

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I have but one thing to say, and that is this: HA HA HA HA, FUCK YOU!!!!!

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those dildos make shoes now?

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Sadly in addition to all the good rulings, protecting LGBT and reproductive rights, the Supreme Court has recently made some really bad ones, like this...

The Supreme Court’s Awful Ruling Allows for Public Funding of Religious Schoolshttps://friendlyatheist.pat...

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