Fuck this crybaby, Cheeto-stained, douche canoe, and his slimy little justice department house elf.

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Irma might take care of that problem. The infrastructure in Puerto Rico is so bad that predictions are being made of major power outages that could last for a very long time. PR is in Irma's crosshairs. In another week literal boatloads of US citizens (yes Puerto Ricans are US citizens) might answer that problem.

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Autumn, for Poland, and France!

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That's another 800,000 votes against Drumpf out the door (in his feeble mind)... Working on 3,000,000.

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...and adds, unbelievably, that “as late as one hour before” Sessions’s statement, White House people were worried “Mr. Trump might not fully grasp the details of the steps he was about to take, and when he discovered their full impact, he would change his mind.”

This would be funny if the lives of 800,000 people wasn't on the line. WH people should know by now that Trump cares nothing for ramifications, tell him it'll put his ratings in the toilet if you want to stop him, that's literally the only thing he cares about.

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Well Well Well.

It looks like the little lady who has the thankless task of being "acting" director of Homeland Security just got schooled by the Attorney General!

Perhaps Mike Flynn was given the White House Chief of Staff position just in time to prevent an impending loss of face. It would look bad if a former Marine Corps General got spindle shafted by a Confederate Flag waving munchkin. So Donnie got his favorite trophy veteran out of the line of fire.

Wheels within wheels.

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I knew I disliked team sports for a reason.

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What Sessions needs is a good dick. What he deserves is a Trump sized one.

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And virile

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The Republican Party needs a clear, unambiguous message that, with his base, they can't win.

I can do 2018. Is 2018 good for you?

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Mr. Trump might not fully grasp the details..." was quite the understatement.

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They had 8 years to put together a repeal-and-replace measure. The only thing they'll get done in 6 months will be to take this year's holiday vacation.

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Sarandon was so snide and condescending to Chris Hayes, someone I like very much. "You call yourself a journalist, don't you?", as if he was a corporate scammer and a nobody, someone she'd never heard of. Smug, superior, disdainful. At least Chris got two revealing interviews from her. Very revealing, in an unflattering way to her.

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Ok, and breath.... :)

Trump has so far deported FEWER illegals comparatively than Obama. I never heard a peep about the "racist" deportations under Obama. Not surprisingly, considering the media never framed them as being racist. :/

About the 800k everyone is sure will be deported. Not gonna happen... I'll take your wagers now :) How do I know they won't be deported? (AKA What makes me so racist?) Because there are +12M illegals in line ahead of the dreamers AND the dreamers are statistically choice immigrants. Not to mention it would be a PR nightmare.

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And today, abject cruelty is compassion.

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"We can't afford to hire white Americans! They demand money and bitch when we don't pay them!"

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