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Whatever you do, don't point out that you can dig under a wall, or next he'll ask for a moat also too.


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I no longer heart Huckabees.

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I am doubtful that they actually want to build anything.

Pretty sure they're hoping a bunch of no-bid huge contracts will magically go to the contractor equivalent of "Whitefish Energy" and some remote fences (that already exist) will be given (at best) a new coat of paint and lovely photograph, for the consumption of ignoramuses on social media.

At worst, the money just vanishes in a cloud of poor recordkeeping. Nobody will be able to unwind which sections of remote fencing were already there and which ones were freshly built.

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Honey, stop wearing purple. You look like Grimace in drag.

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We can assume Trump and his minions have already bought up some of the land they want to build the new fences on.

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Well found: crooked and bent describes that family well.

My Latin studies were nigh onto sixty years ago, but I find the little RNC twerp decidedly Preibeian.

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Aren't we all?

Still... beg pardon.

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Funniest post I read today - although, in full disclosure, one always gets extra credit for a Rocky and Friends reference.

Now I knew that Trump already has a reputation for bringing into his administration various grifters, sleaze-bags and mountebanks (and that's just the White House Chaplain's office), but you're spot on about the odd and often suspiciously-non-Amurrrican names. For example if Jess Sessions went to Huckabee's house for dinner, he might say: "Mrs. Huckabee, I do declare that your dish of possum stew is mighty tasty. However, I must inform you that it has left me with a bad case of the Gorkas. Now, maam, if you don't mind, I shall retire to may fainting couch and rub off a Priebus or (with a twinkle in his eye) a Pudzer."

By the way, Wonkette English (Latin?) majors, is the plural of Priebus: Priebuses or Priebi? I can never get that right. Also too, I grew up in Kansas so I know about husking or shucking corn, so I was curious about the derivation of the Huckabee name. Can one really huck a bee and would the bee even like it? So I turns to the interwebs and (I'm not making this up) the Wiki folks tell me this:

Huckabee: This surname originated as a habitational name, derived from Huccaby in Devon, England; this place name is derived from two Old English elements: the first, woh, meaning "CROOKED" (all-caps mine); the second, byge , meaning "river bend".

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"Manatee of Mendacity" I almost choked on my beverage.

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As a woman, I don't like to comment of appearances but after a solid year this particular woman is grating on me. I would like to add that whoever told her to wear those big fat pearls around her big fat neck wasn't being helpful

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Oh, she's the poster girl for "unfuckable."

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She dresses like a sofa as it is. The pepto pink is to fool you into thinking she's not a complete sociopath. I guess she doesn't think we're going to look at her parentage.

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David Duke already said that Miller is their one good Jewish boy.

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A reminder: Trump was elected by people who hate political correctness muddying discourse. That is why instead of talking about a long, drawn out process of bringing family members of settled immigrants into the US they prefer to eschew euphemism and talk about chain migration instead.

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Well you may not like it, but you do it like a pro.

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