Abortion won't be banned. Wanna know why? It's the only issue that keeps a lot of people voting Republican.

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the reason why the NRA is ok with raising the age to buy long guns to 21 is because an ar15 costs about 2 grand. do you know a lot of 19 year olds with an extra 2 grand to spend on a gun? me neither. if the gun business will not lose any money, the NRA is fine with it

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That's the one, yes.

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I don't understand why they can't be as great as Trump and get the baddy 'Walker' style: kung fu: sans guns.

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Physical effort.

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Off course the religious right already blames things like gun violence on abortion, so sadly the GOP using it as an excuse as to why a women's right to end her pregnancy should be taken away, won't be surprising. Wish we had Hillary in the White House.

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Except if they did ban abortion they'd use it as an excuse for those people to keep voting Republican, so as to keep it illegal. Off course if they were able to get the supreme court to overturn Roe V Wade, and they just banned abortion, its likely it would drive a lot more people away from the Republican party.

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As a high school teacher, I can say with utmost confidence that if you arm thousands of teachers around the country, then the next school shooting will be by a teacher. Deescalation will be a thing of the past. Fight in the hallway? Guns drawn at kids. Teachers just getting straight up spazzed out will end up in shootings. There are days when the kids are just getting on your last fucking nerve, or that new assistant principal is giving you shit about absolutely ridiculous stuff, and it only takes one unstable teacher, one time for things to go really bad. FFS, give any group of 10,000 people guns and just by the law percentages a couple of them are going to shoot someone. It's a fucking horrible idea.

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Fight Abortion! Give each fetus a gun!!!!(came to mind when I read the headline)

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So if we could find a way to perform an abortion with a gun then the NRA would fight to the death to protect abortions.

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The only way to stop a bad teacher with a gun is a good student with a gun.

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Abortion won't be banned Trump

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It's the guns. It's always the guns.

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Poor Beth, she didn't click on the link in one of those posts from Lori about making $230.000 a minute from Google. and she's regretting it.

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Videodrome finally comes to pass.

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"Decades of 'research' lead us to believe -- with no real evidence -- that a handful of Mexicans may have illegally registered to vote. Surely this proves that millions of people are voting illegally!"

"Burn it down! Round up brown people! Check their papers! Restrict the right to vote!"

"34 high school students, 481 concert-goers, 47 Baptists, and 107 people at a night-club have been shot!"

"Take a deep breath. Let's not over-react. We need to find the Real Cause."

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