And you know that there were transgender men fighting under Washington.

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I imagine in every conflict since the Revolution. My fave: Cathay Williams....

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Evidently they haven't heard about doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results...

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You guys, this whole thread is so good. https://twitter.com/SethAbr...

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wow. humbling. well said.

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Also for the inevitable "blah, blah 'social issues' blah blah 'distraction'" retorts:

THIS IS THE TYPE OF 'RED MEAT' THAT THE WOLVES THAT REPUBS CLASSIFY AS "WORKING-CLASS AMERICANS" SALIVATE OVER INSTEAD OF ANY "ECONOMIC ISSUE" THEY'RE SUPPOSEDLY "CONCERNED" ABOUT! I don't think any transgendered person decided to discriminate against themselves just to serve up a "distraction" from...say the Trump health care debacle. WE are REACTING to to this disgusting display of legalized discrimination, we didn't CAUSE it. Apparently THAT'S the great "sin" that's being transgressed here.

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I'm sorry to say that Vicky "My Qualifications for Congress Are Raising Soybeans and Corn and Being A Gender Traitor" Hartzler is my representative. Don't blame me, I did not vote for her.

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Golly, it's as if the $$ doesn't matter as long as it's spent on Trump.

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Is it too much to ask Sweet Sarah who President Trump meant by "his generals and military advisers," when they supposedly met or consulted, and where? You know, just so we have a complete record of the genesis of this tweetrum.

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Once you armor up, it all looks the same.http://assets.nydailynews.c...

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Two things about this whole transgender military ban that chap me:

1) Don't tell me about the cost. In an age of missile bombardment, the US is developing a rapid-fire railgun for some reason. (for those not in the know, it's a gun that helps accelerate bullets to ungodly speeds with magnets. Imagine the Superman ride at Six Flags, but as a gun instead) What in God's name do we need that thing for? Are we planning to fight the fuckin' Tyranids next?

2) Didn't this asshole complain about Obama ruling by fiat once upon a time? Nothing says "fiat" quite like tweeting on the toilet before the rest of us have even made coffee.

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He probably dreamed it and confused it with real life. Actually the whole US presidency seems like a really weird dream.

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1 Gee, I just read, minutes ago, that the military spends 10 times more on treating erectile dysfunction than on trans.2. Right now, here's a question for these Dumbfuckistanis: are they, or someone in their immediate family, or their church, RIGHT NOW volunteering to join the military to replace trans folk who will be forced to leave?

And if they have no one, then STFU.

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I had an ex make a railgun out of neodymium

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