It will be on the test. Quid pro quo is always on the tests.

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Scientists have supposedly reversed time with a quantum computer, as was reported today. So maybe we can pull back at the last second.

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seriously, if the sub-title is longer than the actual title, you know that bundle of bound paper is complete BS.

Also, I am an ordained Universal Life Church Minister, which costs nothing, but their grift is the extra stuff stupid people think they need.

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Dude stole the Newt Gingrich grift and ran with it.

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I believe the "Love Ministries of Las Vegas Nevada" is a superior credential. I was married, once, by a Love Minister. Personally, though, I opted for Dudely Lamist credentials and, of course, the Church of the Sub-Genius.

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I'll tell youse the secrit of great wealth: get born to a millionaire, jes like Betsy DeVos and Don the Con did. Don't thank me — throw munniez.

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That looks like two more people to decline an invite to the White House for hamberders.

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It is just such skeptical mockery that renders the magic powerless.

At the very least, you could find someone with gold, take the lead pipe, and bash in his skull (with votes.) Where is your sense of spirituality?

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♫ I met my shill on Napoleon Hill... ♫

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I have no word. OK, no, I have plenty.

We had a French president with an astrologist as a private councilor (eh, not your run-of-the-mill Mrs Cake, this astrologist got a PhD at the Sorbonne). But compared to this guy and his Illuminati books?If this is the new normal, our astrologist doesn't even make a blip of the weirdness radar.

(um, this astrologist was also a beautiful woman, so people with a dirty minds were wondering if Mr Mitterrand's motivations were solely about the stars; he may have been angling for some private palm reading. I don't think that's the case here)

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It never does.

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This administration certainly do a lot of waffle.

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The Illuminati code has been broken! Run for your life!

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I may have found another pseudonym for of Atkinson, a.k.a. Magus Incognito, Theron Q. Dumont, etc.It's another French dude, calling himself Skippy le Grand Gourou. Here is one of his pearls of wisdom:

"Putaing, pour que le monde retrouve une totale liberté de pensée cosmique vers un nouvel âge réminiscent, faut que j'aille dispenser la quête donatoire transcendentale de la pensée de la déesse Richenou"

(credit - Les Trois Inconnus, French humorists, in the 90's)

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I don't think anyone claims the left is loony this way. Only loony for not getting it together to tell nonstop lies with scorn and jeers and all that stuff they do, but just plodding along instead. Also for never saying things like, "Deal with it," when announcing super-corrupt acts.

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Aarghh! That picture of a volcano!

It must be restimulating my repressed memories of Incident 2, in which an interstellar space tyrant bound the spirits of dead space aliens to the Las Palmas volcano and blew them up with nuclear weapons!

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