The irony is that most minorities just want to be left the fuck alone to live their lives in peace, unmolested by low-IQ mouth breathers. Trying to oppress stupid people is just more trouble than it's worth. Whites really don't have to worry about being treated like shit by brown people.

No, what they'll be butt hurt over is that their (bad) ideas and (dumb) opinions will not be given automatic precedence.

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Shredded that tree so fast it didn't even have time to fall.

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Oh hell, there are so few people left in the administration, Melania's been drafted as DHS spokesperson.

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Joan Rivers?

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" I don't understand! I appointed them, don't they work for me?" (add random caps, and creative spelling, send tweet.)

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Since Ivanka started dying hers blonde.

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Help...can the president ask the supreme court to look at things? Is that how it works? Genuinely curious here.

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Also, would you like to give your bank account information to this Nigerian prince so he can give you millions, cause of course?

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I'd only come if, 1. someone paid for traveling expenses, and 2. I got to see Nancy and Chuck dick punch Skunk Tinkles.

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Yes, there's a mechanism to skip the process. He's been using it a lot. They've also been slapping him back down a lot.

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(Quick, think, create a "fact" to counter Nancy)

We caught 10 terrorists trying to cross. 10!

(Donny-boy, you did it again. Brilliant!)

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Don’t even get him started on ‘Mexican’ judges.

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Considering that this year's Christmas Theme is "Bleeding Red Trees Lead to the Slaughterhouse," it wasn't going to be much of a party anyhoo.

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"In the last very short period of time." Which is apparently anywhere from two weeks to ten years.

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Ruh roh!

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Based on this press release and the "President's" rambling with Chuck'n'Nancy, I think they think "wall" is a sentient being.

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