Well, his sophomore release is just as compelling as a lot of bands with bitchin' first albums who can't deliver after that.

More of the same. Repetitive and unremarkable.

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Also, too, it has been revealed over the weekend that Trump has been secretly sending Hollywood and Deep State pedos to Gitmo and has obtained 9,000 sealed indictments and Trump used the term Pizzagate way back in 2011 so like WHOA! https://twitter.com/onebadc...https://twitter.com/DIXIEDO...https://twitter.com/SGTrepo...

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As Lincoln once said, "One day this office will be occupied by a raving, gibbering lunatic. I think I'll go to the theater tonight."

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These things grow, like, an inch a year...in case you're curious.

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That's the name of my new alt-country folk band.

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I didn't mean his conversation with Trump, I was referring to his letter to Congress saying he was re-opening the investigation into Hillary because they found emails on Huma's laptop. That was gratuitous and wrong and shouldn't have gone public, but of course did. As I recall, Justice knew Comey was preparing the letter and ordered him not to do so.

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Yeah, sailors on submarines. Stick to having pics taken by random people of the man who carries the nuclear football. Yeah, I know, after 283 comments, it has to have been noted before. But I'm too fucking angry to look.

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Yarn bombing. I'm sure there are cold trees in your neighborhood.

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for a certain definition of good.

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John Oliver, unless we now have dueling catheter cowboys. Which would be a very cool way for 2018 to go.

(The "Load More Comments" button was just after motmelere's post, which is why I had a redundant correction.)

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Like my waistline!

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What a transcendental thought!

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Last week, Netanyahu's Transportation Minister Yisrael Katz announced that Israel will name a railroad station after Donald Trump in East Jerusalem's Old City, and the station is expected to be located - if it's built at all - at the holy city's Dung Gate.

You can't make up any of the preceding sentence up.read more: https://www.haaretz.com/opi...

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Thank you for the clarification!

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I went to Israel and uprooted a tree in his honor

--Henny Youngman

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Forgive my ignorance, I don't speak orange lunatic, but what about sailors on submarines? On edit: I read a brief about the case, but again, what the fuck is he blathering about?

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