It's been many many years, and I don't think I ended up reading the entire thing (it's been so long I can't remember that either).

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There is no statutory basis for the DOJ memo. It's all part of Barr's subservience to the Orangutan imbecile. It is meaningless but it will impress his base which consists of mostly mindless dolts and lemmings who I wish would hurry up and walk off the ledge with their fearless (?), more like despicable, leader. Amen.

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And that gif, right up there, is why I'm social distancing from Wonkette lately.

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Shouldn't people and businesses in these 'Anarchist' cities stop paying federal taxes while this order is in effect, since their own federal government has turned against them and refuses to support them?

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Yeah, sure, whateva!https://thisishell-assets.s...

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Seriously. You know what REALLY disrupted downtown Tamp for a week? The 2012 RNC. Total shitshow for anyone at the University of Tampa (whee, UT). Most of the teachers even told the commuting kids they could plead "RNC" if they couldn't get into class on time.

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The classic "our enemies are whatever is more hateable right now" theme. Common in antisemitism as well.

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UGH you just reminded me thata) Stephen Miller exists, andb) that STEPHEN MILLER HAS REPRODUCED AIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!

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To quote the Wikipedia blurb because I'm lazy and also at work:

Anarchism is a political philosophy and movement that rejects all involuntary, coercive forms of hierarchy. It calls for the abolition of the state which it holds to be undesirable, unnecessary and harmful.And he says it like that's a *bad* thing..

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Probably thinks he's a patriot.

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I thought Calgary was where all the Canadian rednecks went to drill for oil.

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A variant and my favorite: "Holy War".

One that I spotted in the wild: "Historical Fiction".

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Unrelated, but I'm listening to a song right now that is just someone saying "Donald Trump Is A White Supremacist" on loop over a techno beat. It's my new favorite song.

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Where do I sign?

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Look, if threatening to cut off the money works on the kids when they’re “unreasonably” trying to have their own opinions, it’ll work on the cities too, right?

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Reader Warning. Alert. I hope everyone is sitting down. I give you time to do so...............Ok, now for the shocking news. The Racist Crook has converted me to two Republican Concepts I have been against all my life. I will now support States Rights, what's in the Constitution being only the start. And support of running the govt like a business. State govt only for now.

With Trump, McConnell, and the Rs, the Fed cannot do what we need done. So states gotta do it.And the business my state will go into will be generic drugs. Because of global warming, maybe energy. Bec of population, maybe housing and transportation. Who knows what else ?

It is nice I can put 1,000 songs on my phone, and not get lost in KS anymore, but I do not see Big Business solving our big problems. Not for a very long ass time.

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