Everyday I wake up in utter disbelief that we’ve reached the point where the President of the United States is a literal Russian agent who, under threat of blackmail, is being directly controlled by one of the most devious and nefarious world leaders of the last century. Yet, roughly 40% of the population had absolutely no problem with this fact as long as Trump continues to “own the libs.”

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Nice place you got here, be a shame if something happened wit...

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"Trump's angry reactions when he is given information that contradicts positions he has taken or beliefs he holds"

This is why his supporters identify with him.

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Thank god we didn’t get that unlikeable, emotional woman! The bullet we dodged!

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No contest about whether to serve the Constitution or the president. One is an institution that ttanscetra the individual, the other is a demagogue. A good executive would not put you in the pisiposi of having to choose.

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"using visual aids" a scale model of the Capitol, with a large trojan horse placed in the middle, for example...

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Somehow this has become normal, I guess through sheer weight of the ongoing petulance, lies, and treason.

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But but but her emails...

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What if we construct a large wooden badger?

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Honey badger don't care

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I weep uncontrollably if I think about it too much. I will say if she had won the Rethugs would have just Benghazied/E-mailed her to death and prevented any Supreme Court noms on the basis that she was an illegitimate president and that the election had been compromised by fraud. They had the votes for impeaching her even though she was innocent of any wrong doing. And now we have a true traitor in the WH. WTF, this is Armageddon.

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"Would i rather start drinking early?" kinda late for that.

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Terrifying. And enormously frustrating. To be ruled by someone who is so breathtakingly stupid is a daily insult. I would rather have Mr. Ed in the White House. Much.

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Hey, those emails are in the news every day, and they have done catastrophic and permanent damage to our country. Or, the opposite of that.

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Drumpf only trusts his gut, which is filled with McDonalds hamburders and Diet Coke.

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