^^ Supreme Court nominee.

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You're probably right. I'm sure Alabama has take appropriate steps to undermine voting in 2020 to make sure that shit never happens again. I wonder how many black people will suddenly find themselves purged from the voting record.

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“Asking for a fiend.“


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Roy Moore tweeted today: “Ever wonder why the mere mention of my name scares the ‘hell’ out of the Washington DC establishment, liberals, and LGBT?”

Also, 14-year-old girls in Alabama shopping malls.

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A lot of crossover with the Trump University people, I'm guessing.

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Is it just me, or does he look like Clarence Beeks from Trading Places?


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Agree. Maybe something is in the moonshine ? I remember Bear Bryant said the Tide would win every game they played if they had just Jim Brown on the team. Not exactly a great example of liberalism, but it was 1957 Alabama.

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Brahahaha! You win today's innerwebz !

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THREE BOOKS ! Now you are just bragging. I do appreciate the equine arts.

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What is sad is that they would talk the same, even with teeth.

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Let's all just take a moment to admire the utter impervious narcissism of Trump and his abject need to shit on others to make himself appear better- even when "shitting on others" means proudly claiming to have stood by a suspected child molester while they did not.

What a fucking disaster this man's psyche is.

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Looks like AL has open primaries, so it's possible to do. Maybe Democrats should vote for Moore if he runs in the primary and if Doug Jones runs unopposed on the Dem side: https://www.openprimaries.o...

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Definitely possible, and I imagine it's the same in these other red states that have passed abortion bans https://www.motherjones.com...

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All of them, Katie? (ok probably not, but it was too tempting).

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Advice from the child prodigy... sigh.

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We're not scared of you. It's disgust. We're disgusted by you. You want to know fear? Ms. AOC wants a word...

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