Nah, Gorks was just there to pick up his diploma. Gary gonna eat next week, he finds a place to park his cart.

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Pretty cool guy, too.

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When you are in a foreign country and are accused of a crime, you are subject to the laws and judicial system of that country. Being an American is not a get-out-of-jail-free card. The kid needs to man up, take responsibility for his actions, and not whine for the white racist president of the US to save his ass.

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Last time I was there visiting friends, a gentleman I met through them waited a whole 5 minutes before asking me what the flying fuck we were thinking when we elected Babyhands. He was in such staggering disbelief at our situation, and being the first American he’d met in their small town, he was desperate for answers I sadly couldn’t give him.

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I hear solitary confinement there is a real sauna. ...no, really, it’s a sauna, for real, where you can relax and unwind from your hard day in court. (Kidding, mostly. I don’t know for sure if Swedish prisons have saunas, but it would not surprise me if it were true).

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Apparently other countries have their own legal systems. I know. So weird.LOL - best line evah!

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She's pretty, at least, and wonderfully voluptuous. I too have never felt inclined to watch any so-called "reality TV". It appears to drop one's IQ.

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Many pictures, daily.

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This is how this idjit sucks up to a high-ranking elected official of a foreign country that is not a functional dictatorship: "... the very talented Prime Minister of Sweden" Seriously, WTF.

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You know, if there was an US Ambassador in Sweden, they would be the one looking into A$AP's case. That would actually be well within their purview - assisting their country's citizens in their stay in a foreign country.There are some difficult countries to be US ambassador, countries with some strongly different opinions on geopolitical issues. Russia, China, all the Middle-East. Maybe some European countries.And then there are countries where it's a cushion job for an ambassador who did well, and even maybe is not fully on the same political side as a newly-elected president, so let's put you somewhere you are unlikely to have to decide to offend either your boss or your hosts.Japan would be one such country. The UK, very likely. Sweden, too, now that you mention it.In this case, the US ambassador to Sweden, if they decided that any intervention was warranted, would very likely have simply have one of this undersecretaries check on A$AP's traveling companions and bagages, just in case they needed help in securing an extended stay. Propose a local lawyer for A$AP to hire to defend him during the trial. Maybe a polite call to the justice minister, or better a little exchange over some tea and biscuit, just to highlight that the US president has taken a personal interest.But there are no US ambassador in Sweden, now.And anyway, it's Trump.

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What the entire orange fuck?FTW!

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Yeah he says, "Tell people 'fuck you and give me mine' and then he freaks out when someone says that to him".

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My bad. I miss his racist signal sometimes...

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Yes. Take it.

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Remember back when jail time was a badge of honor among rappers?

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