On the other hand: she was recalled, so we already know that Trump wanted her gone. Trump has crowed about it, claiming she was disloyal or corrupt or whatever. So hearing him actually say it, doesn't actually change anything.

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If that's truly your metric, you can just nope out now and save yourself the trip.

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"We are ready to proceed."

Says the legal team that forgot their slides on the first day.

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yup. trumppee still believes he's running a reality show. terrible ratings day? geeeeez. this jerk has such a disconnect from reality.

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He's in front of Congress...all those guys are very familiar with having mistresses and avoiding irritated security guards, rapacious reporters, and angry spouses.

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Susan Collins crossed the line!

How brave of her to cast a meaningless vote that she hopes will lend a tattered shred of credibility her carefully-curated baloney-moderate brand.

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And when it's all over and mobs are screaming for their heads, they'll pull a "No true Scotsman" defense and claim Trump isn't a REAL Republican.

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i truly don't understand the republican mindset. if someone told me they'd have my "head on a pike," i'd politely invite them to fuck off and then go on to do exactly the opposite of whatever they wanted to threaten me to do.

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I watched the Watergate hearings in '73, not old enough to understand it all but old enough to take it in. THESE HEARINGS SHOULD BE LIKE THOSE. pipe dream.

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True, but both Utah senators can probably vote to convict without worrying about being Deplora-primaried. There's gotta be 2 more out there (oh, lordy let there be more!).

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You have integrity. They don’t.

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honestly it's not even integrity, it's just my spiteful contrarian streak, which is all that animates me

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Yeah, as long as it's a pretend pike, not the kind Mark Antony had Cicero's head displayed on atop the Rostra of the Roman Forum.

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I have a friend who used to be a Republican, long before trump, and said their motto was "Do not diviate from our agreed on plan/words/talking points." I believe this is still true. Lemmings. They are lemmings.

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And save her ass in Nov.

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I hope he hates it and has a big temper tantrum on air and on twitter and incriminates himself more. And quits his job.

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