With the ‘relatives of illegal aliens’ he’s making it sound like illicit uncle Leo from the old country is getting 1800 bucks. But he’s not, it’s going to some local gal who married Leo’s nephew.

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Here's a dilemma for good ol' Mitch! Support der Fuhrer, or pander to the Party overlords. What to do, Mitch? What to do?

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But DJT might say mean things about Mitch on Twitter....

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You know, if we ALL pool our $2k stimmies.......

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The televangelist grifters are already quivering and drooling at the thought of fleecing the poors out of the $600 $2000 checks. They already know that money belongs to the LORD, and these people should pony up. "Who are you going to trust, God or the power company? Hmmmmmm?"

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So, rightfully, you should send it to him! Because what could be better than four more years? It's just a question of who gets to them first, the televangelists or trumb.

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Or, recording his rant when his syphilis-addled brain demanded it of him, then being told by his staff it would be released “right away” while they hoped desperately he would forget about it, which he did for 4-1/2 hours but then a segment on OAN caused a random neurotic fart and he remembered and forced them to go through with it. That seems much more likely to me.

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Donald Trump is upset that the stimulus bill contains all the things his own Secretary of Treasury and his party's leaders pushed for. Smdh

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Call me petulant. [looks around, waits] Accuse me of carrying a grudge. [raises eyebrows, carries on] But everything that has happened since the impeachment hearings I blame on the senators who failed to act, refused to have witnesses, denied truth its day in court. My guess at this point is that trumb will take a medical diagnosis of dementia over prison time and end up in a private facility somewhere (which he will stiff).

But those who allowed this administration to continue on its path of wanton destruction in full knowledge of what they were choosing? Blood on their hands up to the elbows, forever and a day.Also, Dok, "You madman! God damn you to hell!" may be stepping perilously close to the banhammer line./s

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Or, recording his rant when his syphilis-addled brain demanded it of him, then being told by his staff it would be released “right away” while they hoped desperately he would forget about it, which he did for 4-1/2 hours but then a segment on OAN caused a random neuronic fart and he remembered and forced them to go through with it. That seems much more likely to me.

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And now I am wondering if Rudy wandered into the adult bookstore after his appearance at the Four Seasons, and asked for a dozen doughnuts to go. Because I am random that way.

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How do Trump's supporters justify this?

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Or, could have raised the issue of $2,000 at any time in the past week or in fact any time since May, or, actually, called McConnell and Pelosi into the Oval Office and yelled at them both til they gave him the $2000 (which is what every other president would have done, assuming that actually getting the $2k was what they were after). But instead waited and timed his spontaneous, off-the-cuff, totally unplanned and birdbrained rant for after the deal was made and the day before xmas. Yep, no planning in any of that, for sure.

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By saying it's Nancy Pelosi's fault.

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Have to wonder how much of this posturing is just to distract the media away from Biff's pardons to corrupt republicans and war criminals.

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