I wish my son's sweet little Latina girlfriend had been there. All of 4 feet 11 inches, but damn, you mess with her and she will punch you in the nads. Not kick you, PUNCH you.

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Jackboots are for losers. Wingtips are what the classy stormtrooper will be wearing this fall.

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One of my heroes! I lived in a tiny town growing up, we had an even tinier library just down the block. When I was 6 I got my first library card and swore I would read every book in the library. I walked to school right next door so I spent my afternoons there, some of the first books I read were Asimov since I was going down the rows alphabetically. His book on the brain was like manna from heaven because I could understand it even though I was only 8 at the time. He had a way of explaining things that just made everything click. People usually just think of him as a science fiction writer but his nonfiction was even better.

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It's called "speaking American" you pinko scum. You'd know that's what you're supposed to be doing too if you ever glanced at the constitution.

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Pretty sure that's an intramural game.

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Now, just because she was a little hirsute...

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Christ. There is a statement that I never thought I would agree with.

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Reign supreme Il Louche!

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Lord, you guys are young.

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Law and Order! Nice brown uniforms would make them look even more impressive.

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Ummm...did you hit your head or something?

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Puttin' this here.

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I just keep looking at that poor woman in the black dress standing to the left of him. She's sending off hostage vibes, like she's afraid to even move. And what is the skeezy guy behind her up to? Watching this at .25 speed setting is a little disturbing. It seems like there's something going on there, right in front of the camera and I JUST HAVE TO KNOW WHAT IT IS! Or, maybe I'm just full of shit and it's nothing. Help!

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Stormtrumper troll. Probably on the payroll.

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Does Trump remind anyone else of Danny Aiello's character in "Do the Right Thing" in which he gushes about how the Bedford-Stuy neighborhood loves his pizza, right before Spike Lee's character throws a garbage can through the window? (It has been some 23 years since I saw the movie so I might have some of the details incorrect.)

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