Good lord, I am so sorry.

Neither of my cousins have a mental illness and if they did I'd have more patience. Mental illness does count as a legit disability, but it's hell on families.

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Thank God they are hidden. I hope they get melted down to make Brass Passes (unlimited all access passes) for next years Jazz Fest.

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That are built in their factories by their serfs.

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It's time for them to feel the effects of their stupid choices. If they choose to vote to cut taxes on billionaires, so that they can't have health care, and I can pay MORE for health care, they can bite me.

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SSDI is notoriously difficult to get. That's why there are lawyers specializing in it.

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It would really suck if my SSDI collecting, fat ass, FOX watching, Trump voting, piece of shit brother in law lost his benefits and had to find a job at Walmart (It would not suck!).

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Let them eat cake, eh ?

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I was thinking the same for the cuts. Its not like they did a study to see what could be saved, they just made up a number.

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I bet they're not getting rich from SSDI either. There may be waste but it probably isn't much.

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Yes. One of them is named Jared Kushner.https://www.propublica.org/...

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Oh, but you see you're not taking into consideration the philosophy of The New Cruelty: better a thousand lazy moochers go without than one fraudster get one extra dime of government money. Unless they're rich.

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They aren't. It's basically their petty cash fund.

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You know, I keep hearing people say this, but no-one does anything. Well, actually, some small groups try to do things, and decent liberals mock them.

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It worked fine for them in Kansas. They really do not care that people are suffering, schools are shutting down, more and more people are going hungry and sink. It does not bother them at all. Because they and their rich friends are getting to keep some extra dollars.There is no word for the level of selfish greed that is the modern "compassionate conservative." Not in the English Language anyway- maybe the Germans can help us out.

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Fun fact: I just skimmed a story in the WaPo, that one of the neoConfederate caucus tore up the budget, saying about it's "3% growth" "You can't get there from here."

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Fuck the weak cowardly liberals and the "both sides do it" media. We need some hard left corrections. This extreme conservative approach to wealth re-distribution and the New Cruelty is immoral and totally out-of-control. Jacobinism may be dated, but we need a real counter-revolution to this recent fascist coup.Helping people to get past all these Un-American voter suppression laws to GOTV and defeat these creepy Republicans is probably the next step. At least the hapless Democrats won't do as much damage if they take control.Let's try a dress rehearsal of voter turnout in November of 2017; long lines everywhere in red states to show we are ready to vote. This would be a demonstration that we're mad as hell and won't take it anymore.

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