Coffee Spewed on the Keyboard Award #7 of the day, for "who couldn't pour piss out of a boot if the instructions were pictographs printed on the heel"

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It's like we need a whole new "it's OK" abbreviation for Trump.

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"Mr. Trump is generous both with his money and with his time…"

I find this statement to be peppered with inaccuracies and omissions.

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...and now I feel like we may never laugh again.

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That is the only way he could be a 'Chippendale' anything...


Have a great day!

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Trump could be like the CEO of a place I used to work at. There were a lot of checks written but somehow many of those never made it out the door. I can't believe that company is no longer in business.

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There's never a Maggie Simpson around when you need one.

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In 2010, Donald Trump once refused to pay a winner of a hole-in-one contest the $1 million he was owed, so the guy sued Drumpf. When The Great Orange Cheapskate finally settled the suit (for $158,000), he did so with money from his charitable foundation, which is, as we know, illegal.

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Most places that run these kind of contests buy insurance, so they're not out the $1M or whatever themselves. Which means Trump was too damn cheap to buy an insurance policy (or they couldn't find anyone willing to do business with them).

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Check the link. It gets even worse!

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Here, have a bowl of kitten. https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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They don't lie. They fabricate. It's like building things with words.False things with false words.

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If I never hear the words "Kellyann Conway" again, it will be too soon.

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Successful Laugh Renewal here. And memories -- when O first ran, we had a silly game to put his name(s) into common phrases -- Barak'n'roll, Barak me all night long, keep on Barakin' me baby, yo bama, etc etc.

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I rather like, "Stepford Conway."

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Actually, I think it's more, "I know you are but what am I?"

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