the public theatre unleashed all holy hell when they compared trump to caesar.

i am just saying.

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I have to admit, it is exhilarating to watch the GOP commit slow motion suicide. It's amazing to watch people call ME a "sheeple" while they follow the world's largest orange lemming off a cliff. Do you suppose they'll have a sudden moment of clarity at the last second before impact?

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From the WaPo article:

"His team expects to make up part of the difference by taking advantage of a recent change in FEC guidance, which now allows campaigns to coordinate canvassing programs with outside groups that can raise and spend money from wealthy donors without limit."

Translation: who needs retail? We will get our money shipped in wholesale.

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[Trump] told them to “focus on the cheating.”

That’s Trump’s forever plan.

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cheating is Don Fuckface's core competency.

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Ha ha! Barron Trump was chosen as a Florida delegate to the RNC, but Melania said oh hell naw, you're not dragging my kid into this shit show.


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"Orange Julius Caesar" FTW.

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May 11·edited May 11

“We’re focused on quality over quantity. I mean, how novel a concept,” top strategist Chris LaCivita told the crowd of top donors May 4 at Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach, Fla., according to attendees.

"Translation: Listen, do you folks have any idea how many billable hours we’re giving to Alina Habba?"

One, if this is what they consider quality, I'm surprised they're not being bilked daily. And two, whatever the Look-At-Me Alina doll in her stylish lawyer outfit is getting paid, it's *entirely too much*.

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Habba isn't getting paid for her lawyer outfit, she's getting paid for late night 'strategy' meetings with the boss, sans lawyer outfit.......maybe Catholic school girl or cheerleader though.......

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The Republican Party is going to collapse into ugly brawling the day after Trump dies or is otherwise physically incapacitated (just being in jail won't do it). That's what happens in a cult of personality where the leader crushes any possible challenger/successor.

My dream is that it happens about mid-September this year.

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They think the nutcases that are already committed to them are going to be enough to win the election. Logic, history, and common sense tells me this is really stupid. But the last 8 years have made me worry.

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Ta, Gary. I want to live in a world where I never again have to think of Dotard Tramp.

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I remember the only time I saw his dumb ass is not recognizing him in Home Alone 2. I miss those times.

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Beautiful recounting of MAGA-world karma and chaos. Thanks, Gary!

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He is resorting to bribery to raise funds from Big Oil.

Trump Promises Troubling ‘Deal’ With Oil Execs: Report https://www.thedailybeast.com/trump-promises-troubling-deal-with-oil-execs-report?ref=home?ref=home

tl;dr. Toss out all the progress made by Biden for a one billion dollar contribution.

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Does anyone else remember when Dubya sent Quayle out to extort the CEOs with his "Council On Competitiveness" (I think it was called), flying around the country asking Republican donors "Hey, are there any Federal regulations or regulatory agencies who really annoy you? Write us some big checks and watch us clear your path for you."

Selling the government's power to protect us from corporate malfeasance is nothing new, it is just their standard villainy.

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I think one of the big differences here - as far as the regulations are concerned - is that Potatoe was actually *in office* doing that

Donald - as usual, it's not going to stop him; some people need to BE stopped precisely because they refuse to voluntarily stop criming - is not in office and has no power or authority to make that deal irrespective of how despicable the "deal" actually is

So there's also that

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Governor Brownback (R-Kansas) tried the same stunt and literally no business owner/farmer had any complaints. He even created a new office/position in his government for this endeavor to root out job-killing/business harming regulations!

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It is one of the major tenets of the wingnut faith that government never does any good, not that they believe consciously doing good is possible; you can better yourself, i.e. engross more than your share of our common resources, and that is praiseworthy, no matter how much collateral damage you leave in your wake. The philosophy of the miser.

I remember that election, and remember explaining to everyone who would hold still just what was going on, but nobody paid any attention. My parents might just as well have named me Cassandra, even though that is a girl's name.

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I just watched The Sixth (which was brought to my attention by Charlie Pierce) and my stomach was so churned that I skipped dinner. I found myself wishing (again) that the police had opened fire on those Nazis, racists and disgusting excuses for human beings. The valor of the unarmed police was stunning. Those hate-filled imbeciles are ready to do this again, I am positive, all part of the "leaner" and "more efficient" approach to overthrowing the government by any means necessary. Watch the movie, we need reminding!

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Resources? Here's some bootstraps, get flying!

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> And it is confident of success this time around.

And why shouldn't they be? Nobody important has paid any price for this fuckery. They've been plotting a mulligan the entire time right out in the fucking open.

But since they aren't poor and they aren't black nobody who matters is going to do anything to stop them.

Chris Hedges wrote about this years ago.

I'm headed to Canada. It's just a matter of how bad shit gets, how soon.

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Lara Trump promises tens of thousands of volunteer 'poll-watchers'. Around 100,000. Considering the kind of vetting and training involved it will be horde of people in Trump-themed clothing with open carry attempting to carry away boxes of votes and threatening the electoral staff. That should be recorded on video and everyone involved named to stop the inevitable claims that BLM/Antifa/Biden Crime Family were the ones doing it.

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They'll need volunteers since they've fired all the paid help.

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Won't be an iota of vetting or instructions on what is or isn't permissible. No way they could come up with a strategy, a manual and explain it to 100,000 people by the election. So, up to the individual to decide what is 'cheating' and how they should respond to it. And who can tell them to stop.

Someone (or a lot of someones) will end up dead.

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I take it with a grain of salt. In 2020 they claimed they had an army of lawyers across the nation ready to jump into action at the first sign of election fraud. The army turned out to be Rudy Giuliani, Jenna Ellis, that Powell woman and a few other freaks like L Lin Wood.

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That will be a shitshow.

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