I once hired the world's laziest carpenter. He had a theory on using wood fasteners: nail where you can, screw where you must, and through-bolt as a last resort.
Lewandowski's defense is based on a similar principle: deny where you can, explain where you must, and malign the complaining witness's character as your last resort.
Well, thank the FSM they didn't send him to SC. We're just over the river from them, and live in terror of their lunatics. (Yeah, yeah, yeah... We've got 'em too, but at least our numbnuts governor vetoed our "let's all hate teh gheys" bill.)
OMG!!! Political Correctness!!! Listen to me! Please listen! If you don't, if you won't, if you fail to understand, then the same incredible terror that's menacing me WILL STRIKE AT YOU!!!!!!
God, I never thought it would happen to me, but...
Wow, look at Kasich's numbers. There's something to be said for clinging like a limpet.
It's gay marriage's fault!!!
Right by the Stubby Fish Fingers.
Well, technically they are mining company enforcers, but they're on Bureau of Land Management land...
"...stopped himself before completing his thought."
I must disagree with this.
To complete a thought requires the ability to think.
This excludes drumpf.
Someone went to jail for being a dick?
I thought the punishment for that was removal to South Carolina.
Live and learn!
Someone married...that...thing?
Jesus H. Christ!
She's toast!
The faces and the names change... the story remains the same.
One of them ruthlessly kills his own citizens with barrel bombs.
The other just hasn't had a chance...yet.
If any mercenary is ex then he wasn't earning his pay.
Well, it's Florida, so just as bad.
I once hired the world's laziest carpenter. He had a theory on using wood fasteners: nail where you can, screw where you must, and through-bolt as a last resort.
Lewandowski's defense is based on a similar principle: deny where you can, explain where you must, and malign the complaining witness's character as your last resort.
Well, thank the FSM they didn't send him to SC. We're just over the river from them, and live in terror of their lunatics. (Yeah, yeah, yeah... We've got 'em too, but at least our numbnuts governor vetoed our "let's all hate teh gheys" bill.)
OMG!!! Political Correctness!!! Listen to me! Please listen! If you don't, if you won't, if you fail to understand, then the same incredible terror that's menacing me WILL STRIKE AT YOU!!!!!!