Why aren't these shit-stains in prison/ Oh, they've been Barred...

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The NAZI branch of IBM?

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Don’t forget making babbys, the most wifely duty of all!

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"My wife is member on some of them to do filings and bookkeeping." I think the take-away here is this: someone MARRIED Brad Parscale?!

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It’s just amazing how some crooks don’t even comprehend why they got charged for some offense. I bet lawyers have to really hate that.

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Living in the Grift era. Either get on board and line your integrity-free pockets with that sweet GOP cash, or don’t, you dumb, honest snowflakes!

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Dude looks like the leader of the Aryan Brotherhood in every prison movie ever made.

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Oh, please. The BDSM community would never accept them, they have standards. I picture their sex life more like her lying there boredly staring at the ceiling while he pounds away ineffectually until she sighs and says 'Are you done yet?' and he gives up.

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You just know he's got a picture of Adolf tattooed somewhere on his body or at the very least a swastika.

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They are not just grifters, they are just your basic shit head republicans doing their republican thingy and for the record the republican branded Jesus approves of their grifting. Its for the greater good of republican idiocy. Its ok to be a big grifting crook as long as it furthers the republicunt agendas. But once the democrats get back in power republicans will make all this grifting stuff be mysteriously illegal again. When democrats are in power the republicans all the sudden become these fiscal,ethical,moral, come to jesus puritans. The only thing is now we know for real they aint really godly or ethical forget moral and them saying they are wont make it so. We will be pointing our fingers at them while laughing uncontrollably. Hypocrisy is funny once it gets shoved down the throat of the guilty.

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When around Trump act like Trump does...grift and grift big.

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These guys belong in the Museum of Crooks.

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"They are not grifters, they are just your basic shit head republicans"

There's a difference?

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Boris and Trump are asshole buddies. If Trump bought a blow job for say 130k he would bring one back for Boris because they are buds. OR you just calll them Dumb and Dumbernshit.

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Probably Barron and Tiffany.

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I do worry for Barron. He is at an impressionable age, and he's not around good role models.

Amazing Tiffany turned out as well as she did.

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