"Right, disclosure should be mandatory. Consumer A should be able to chose (sic)"...

"Mandatory". Really? So, ol' Sadris up there has gone on the record advocating for a brand new oppressive, freedumb-depriving regulation. It's almost as if she/he is actually in favor of food regulations, as long as they protect people who can afford to "chose" not to eat rat shit, said regulation's administrative costs ideally paid for with an excise tax on the rat shit, no doubt.

Ya gotta respect* these peeps, what with all that "courage of their convictions" and all.

* and by "respect" I mean mock and mercilessly deride, of course.

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But...but...but... they're all against gummint regulations!!!21!! They SAID so!!!!!!!!11!! You mean they.... LIED!?

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'Freedom's just another word for repubs to fuck upNothin', don't mean nothin' hon' if they say it's so'

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Nossa, massa. Those African savages does not eats elephants. They eats chickens, or goats, or cows, or pigs. That piece of bullshit rationalization pisses me off even more than Qusay killing an elephant FOR FUN. Well, no. Strike that. Nothing pisses me off more than an arrogant, entitled twatwaffle killing an elephant FOR FUN.

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But the Drumpf boys INSIST the villagers were grateful!

I suspect they were getting a cut of the money to act that way. Or were just used to white assholes being white assholes and smile until they go away on general principles.

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Next up, Trump calls for abolishing the Dream Police.

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Somalia is even better! They should all totally go there so they can enjoy their lack of regulations!

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And not even the billionaire part. That'e a lie too.

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Alcohol affects everyone with gluten intolerance differently, but it makes most of them sick to one degree or another, and it can seriously affect tolerance levels. The small intestine is damaged, and alcohol is very hard on your bowels. There are also issues with cross contamination. There are also issues with a weakened intestinal barrier which triggers a severe immune system reaction.

Did I say I can eat tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers? I didn't say that, and in fact, I can't. You are making assumptions without adequate information.

You have no business making medical or psychiatric diagnoses online for strangers.

Why are you so angry about this? Do you always get angry when you read an opinion that is different from your own? My statements are based on personal experience, three years of intense research, and consultation with numerous medical professionals. When an intelligent person encounters new information, they do not get angry, they think "I must study this to determine the validity of this new information."

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And when we had all that dog and cat food from China, with the melamine in it, that killed all those pets--THAT was utopia! Let's have THAT!

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I wish he was, but honestly, i don't think he's smart enough. I think he's an orange bag of pathetic, weakling ego who only wants to fill the endless, unfillable hole of neediness inside his wretched, black soul. The worst part of this insanity is it's right there in the fucking Constitution's first sentence, "...for the General Welfare," yet these "Constitution lovers" just want to ignore that to parrot the Orange Foolius.

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Hvrr4r is right; corn tortillas are meant to be browned on each side.

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I always worried about that. Who knows what's in that stuff or what dogs need?

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America's Test Kitchen has a recipe for the gluten free "flour" for baking pizza, cookies, and lots of other goodies that is cheaper than the packaged gluten free baking mixes you can purchase. I don't know if those ingredients are affordable for you, but it might be worth looking into it. I've been living on SSDI for years myself, so I feel your pain.

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I wonder if "sadris" (appropriate name BTW) drinks, too.

I mean, sadris can buy the more expensive distilled liquors, or buy the cheaper stuff. After all, you can get used to the taste of paint thinner and kerosene.

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Texas would solve this problem - as they solve all their problems - by making disclosure "voluntary."

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