i'm starting to think maybe Barron *doesn't* know all about the cyber! 😮

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If I got hacked by someone with an AOL address, I wouldn't tell anyone either.

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You gotta ask yourself....."who, in the ever livin' fuck, would click on an AOL msg. ???????

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Spoiler Alert!

It was Roger Stone.

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I keep getting texts from the "USPS" saying that a package has arrived at the warehouse but can't be delivered because of incomplete address information. But somehow my phone number was on the package? Huh. Delete.

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I heard someone say that a beard is like contouring for men and now every time I see Vance, it's all I can think of.

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RuPaul says "We are all born naked, the rest is drag."

Maybe, with Jeb! Davis Vance, we can make an exception to that rule?

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A hacked account that only leaks data about JDVance? Sounds like Donald to me, trying to get rid of his horrible, no-good, really bad VP choice.

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I do not think that these eegits are smart enough to have a "fake" dossier on Vance but I would proceed with caution on this leak. Especially since Robert seems a bit shady here.

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Ta, Marcie. Idiots all. AOT, K.

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Re: the aol.com email address.

Who cares that such was used? There’s nothing wrong with still using an aol.com email address. Why is it “better” to use gmail?

I know several people still using the aol email address they got in the 90s. Changing an email address is a pain, and if something works, why switch? Why the gloating, as if to say, “you’re an old and you’re just not cool!”

(For the record: I went from the aol thing to a custom/personal domain I registered back in the mid 90s. The web site isn’t much more than a shell, but personal subversion and git servers are hosted there, too, and the email works great.)

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lot of us are still pissed about Eternal September?

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Aug 12
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The question to ask is why people were accessing personal email on work machines, and why that wasn’t blocked.

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Do we want to be having an email conversation? Those haven't worked out well with Presidential candidates.

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I'll decay before I see the media breathlessly and slavishly post about this like they did the DNC hack in 2016...

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Too late

Unless you're also already decaying, of course

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With any republican operation I'd say it's a safe bet at least 20% of them are using "password" as their password.

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The same combination as my luggage!

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That happened already with the 2016 RNC hack, didn't it

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It's a picture of him at the JV dance.

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He was couch stalking....

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JD... you fucking slut...

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I mean he was in a wig and a dress, but I'm not sure THAT counts as drag. We have to have some standards here.

Yes, I've been watching a lot of RPDR. Why do you ask?

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he doesn't strike me as the type of person to loath half-assing things. very pro half-assing i suspect.

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Ru has style for miles... not terribly into the show, but I always appreciate Ru Paul when I do.

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I love the show, but I am easily emotionally manipulated by media.

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I'm not saying it was a GOOD thing for Podesta's email to get hacked, but I've appreciated the risotto tips.

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Everyone in my department got a phishing scam that began

"Dear (Email User),"

Note, the (Email User) was actually in the message: Maybe they meant to substitute the recipient's names, but they didn't.

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I got an email from the condo association that said, "...anyone whose driveway was not sealed will be taken care of on (insert date and time here)."

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Lazy hackers, not even bothering to use Mail Merge.

Like a rookie salesman approaching you by saying, "Hello, sir or madam!"

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