Trump Campaign Says It Got Spear-Phished By Iranian Hacker With AOL Address
Only the best security!
On Saturday, the Trump campaign claimed to Politico that it had been “hacked” back in June, by someone calling themselves “Robert” with an AOL address. (Yes, AOL still exists!) And by “hacked,” they mean an employee was tricked into giving up their password, and/or convinced to click on a malicious link. Apparently pretty easy to do! Whoda thought the guy who got his Twitter account breached in 2020 because someone guessed the password was “maga2020,” the guy who left America’s war secrets in the Mar-a-Lago shitter, would be running such a lax security operation?
All the hacker apparently released to Politico, and then later to the Washington Post, was a 271-page vetting dossier written by the law firm Brand Woodward back in February about JD Vance, including his “POTENTIAL VULNERABILITIES,” and part of a research document on Sen. Marco Rubio.
Politico isn’t saying exactly what was in that dossier that it sat on for three weeks, only that it was all publicly available information. And really, what could be worse to learn about than Vance’s own publicly available personality? We already know he’s a subsidiary of white-supremacist-hugging billionaire Peter Thiel, owns shares in Rumble, thinks parents should get extra votes, blames childless cat ladies for everything that’s wrong with America, is a walking, talking human pile of butthair, has all the appeal of an entitled creepy stalker with couchfucker vibes, etc.
Whatever it is, guess we won’t find out. Both outlets are keeping quiet about it, unlike the time Russia hacked John Podesta’s risotto recipe and even Epicurious reported on it.
Anyway, when a Politico reporter asked “Robert” how they obtained Vance’s vulnerability documents, “Robert” responded: “I suggest you don’t be curious about where I got them from. Any answer to this question, will compromise me and also legally restricts you from publishing them.” An odd response!
To the Washington Post, “Robert” seemingly offered more, including “access to additional information, including internal campaign emails and documents related to Trump’s court cases.”
Consider me as an anonymous resource who has access to djtfp24 campaign. There are [sic] other stuff too, that I can send you, if this content is in your field of interest… I hope you understand my limitations and my vulnerable position in the campaign.
The Post reports that “people familiar” “said the campaign separately concluded earlier this summer its email system had been breached but did not disclose it publicly or to law enforcement.”
But why? Incompetence? Embarrassment? Other things on their servers they don’t want the FBI to see, like the identity of a Nigerian prince they’re assisting in transferring large sums of money? Who knows!
The whole story sounds completely made up, because it begins with the words “the Trump campaign says.” But it does seem to have actually happened, coinciding with a report from Microsoft published Thursday:
[An Iranian group] connected with the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, or IRGC, sent a spear phishing email in June to a high-ranking official on a presidential campaign from the compromised email account of a former senior advisor. The email contained a link that would direct traffic through a domain controlled by the group before routing to the website of the provided link.
Oh, by the way, have you seen this picture of Vance in drag that coincidentally just surfaced? Sofa Lauren, haw haw!
Vance is not denying that it’s him, the fucking hypocrite.
Iran, if you’re listening … is there really a need to hack these people, when they’re already so good kicking themselves in the nuts?
>>Iran, if you’re listening … is there really a need to hack these people, when they’re already so good kicking themselves in the nuts?<<
Yes. There's always a good reason to hack JD Vance: Couches can't protect themselves.
The eyeliner game on that woman in the picture is on fleek!