Kochs. Based on periodic stories on Maddow of The Crazy in Wisconsin it seems like you could wring a whole dystopian sci-fi series out of the fuckery there. And I really wish someone would cause I’ve barely got any TV shows to watch.

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It may sound crazy and stupid but if you get the military to support the not legitimate president it’s all over.

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Interesting thing Barbara McQuade, formal federal prosecutor and law professor, said on MSNBC. This seditious conspiracy charge that the Oath Keepers and Proud Boys are receiving is US law’s equivalent of treason, she said ‘treason’, in a non-war situation. The treason statute in the US requires you to be at war. (Which I think is a little weird). So anyway this DOJ has the friggin sense to be charging these white supremacists militia crazy bastards with treason. Wonderful!

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Make sure you have a way to protect yourself. Trumpers are going to lose their shit.

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In JG Ballard’s memoir Empire of the Sun about surviving in a Japanese prison camp in Singapore or wherever during World War II most of the people who died died of starvation. They knew the allies were about to win when they started dropping food parcels, with parachutes, and it was spam. High-protein, right away, non-perishable. Saved lives.

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Yes. And to submit fraudulent elector paperwork to the national archive.

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Women's rights are implied in the Constitution, but the majority ignores that.

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😂🤣😂 Perfect! It’s also amazing that until the last like five years no one ever talked about this. I never even noticed that the senate “does that“. Gives the same amount of representation to a bunch of tumbleweeds in Wyoming as it does to nation-state size California. How did this not come up in the 60s?

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It’s mostly brown sugar and molasses.

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After the Civil War in addition to hanging the traitors they should’ve broken up all the states that rebelled/seceded and made new ones with different borders. And moved all the state capitals. But American “federalism” which means the opposite of it, so I guess everything is still all James Madison‘s fault.

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I want to see an alternative history where something like that happens. I think it would become a crazy failed state full of gun nuts. But maybe not if the separation happened way back then. 🤔

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I used to occasionally buy and eat spam, you have now ruined that forever. I will see that face on every can. https://media1.giphy.com/me...

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I'm impressed y'all got the reference, everyone gets a cookie.

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Yeah, I'm fixing to start going to Jeanie Schmidt's grandkids sports games to make the ref verify the alleged females on Loveland's teams. Dick checks for everyone, thank you grammy.

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Isn't he, though? Warms the cockles & mussels of my heart, it does. XD

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