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The tweet seems to indicate that Radical Left Democrats get their tires for less somewhere. He doesn't say where, dammit.

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Yes, and it would be banned as a political statement. Goodyear didn't say only republican supporters were banned from wearing political items, they said a flat no to all political items. Equity statements only was the line.

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Yes! That is exactly what I would recommend. Remember to bring your towel.

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*waves*Good morning, dear!

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Hi hon! I hope you are doing okay.

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Note to self, the next time I buy tires, It'll be Goodyear

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The end of the text is a bit stupid. I know a lot of military folks through family and experience, and through them some cops Im Norwegian, but I have a lot of US contacts, and its the same there.. Not all of them are insane fascists, its a reason Trump has had to create his own little SA of the border-commandos. Not all Cops are Bastards, and we need to pick out those who are not and communicate if it goes down to the wire with guns and shit in November.

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Fucking up the basics seems entirely on brand.

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The goodyears shall devour 'em, flesh and fell,Ere they shall make us weep! We'll see 'em starv'd first. ---King Lear, so maybe not the best judge of politics

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Shouldn't be too hard. I imagine everything of value will have been removed for the next occupant.

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Yeah, the armed forces spending tons of money on recruitment ads on NFL games is another one.

Also, too, the Texas Department of Transportation (!?) has been buying shitloads of ads on Texas Rangers broadcasts for several years. I can almost kinda see spending on recruiting ads, but the transportation department? Whiskey tango foxtrot is that all about?

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I see. I didn't know that. Thanks.

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the only thing I really want cancel cultured is the GOP.

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