Is Kid Zoom still there?

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the first week of enrollment on Healthcare.gov has set a record, more than doubling the number of people who signed up on the federal healthcare exchange last year. See? Nobody likes it!

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You obviously chose your parents poorly. Too late now.

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I have medicare. Even before I was eligible, I had health coverage because my partner worked for a company that offered domestic partner benefits. I have had a triple by-pass that, all by it self cost over $275,000. Throw in all the other repairs that I've had done over the past 5 years and it easily comes to another $400,000 or so. Other than a few co pays before I had medicare, my out of pocket costs have been virtually zero. The most heinous costs have been for drugs. Partner changed jobs and I lost drug benefits. Some of the meds I take went up 10 fold without the insurance. It was like shkreli grabbed me by the balls. My doks did a good job of switching me to cheaper drugs. Funny thing; many drugs that have been around for decades work every bit as well as newer products for a fraction of the cost. Makes ya wonder, is big pharma just out to get richer by simply recreating existing drugs in a new package at higher costs to us? Then there's the new drugs for problems we didn't even know about. Now, godamn it, I need my crazy legs drugs even if they do destroy vital organs. At least I don't look like I'm doing a Harold Ramis skit in the mall. Everything I've said comes down to this. I don't need extra insurance because medicare covers me completely and I spent 50 years paying for it. BUT. I almost want to sign up for Obamacare just for the pleasure of shoving a thorn into the dicks of all the motherfuckers trying to destroy it. That would be, of course, if I really believed I could shove thorns into the aforementioned dicks.

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I’m telling all my Conservative friends ( there aren’t many) to sign up for the new TrumpCare.

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The Trial That Had to be Made.

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I never even got around to making another graphic. Just this ol' one: https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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I called HC.gov and they couldn't find the problem or even that they'd sent me this notice. I need to see what the 8962 form requires. I'll probably start with Schakowsky's office if there seems to be a problem, because free. But yeah, accountant is about Plan D. (Plan A being bury my head in the sand). My divorce is just the gift that keeps on taking.

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It's a growth industry.

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Darwin, again?

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Well let me know if you want any help. I work with Jan’s office so you might end up with me anyway.

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You're not allowed if your eligible for Medicare (there was even some big bs kerfuffle over that when some senator said, at the start of Obamacare, that she wasn't eligible for the Marketplace because she could get Medicare - some more barely opposed propaganda) but I do understand the sentiment.I just signed up, and I clicked on the 'register to vote, too' button, just because I thought that might be part of why they are soooo against the ACA.

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