Did you get referred to the school counselor? I did a 5th or 6th grade diorama for history of the battle of the bulge. I used the broken model I had built of a German Panzerwagen, dirt, talcum powder for snow and infantrymen I had hand painted. One of them had a leg broken off, so I painted the mating surfaces red, and arranged the leg and the little soldier on opposite sides of the track the tank left in the snow. Teacher thought it was a little...graphic. There may have been some other dismembered folks in there too.

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Eh, I'm torn. I'm not a big giraffe fan. But Dan Harmon hates giraffes, & I'm seriously disenchanted with him.

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I believe they're counting on the poor not living to be Olds.

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Vey iz mir, $5F.

Okay, we're talking about inflation? When the rent subsidy was created here in the 1970s, it would pay the rent on an apartment like mine. IT HAS NEVER SINCE BEEN RAISED, even though the rent on my apartment and others like it has increased dramatically. Now, that subsidy pays less than 25% of my rent.

But no one speaks for the poor. Politicians will talk till they're blue in the face about the middle class, even though it's shrinking into oblivion. And everyone with a functioning brain knows it's just lip service. But that is the world we live in.

86% goes to the top 1%. Who wants to bet that the remaining 14% doesn't go to the top 2%?

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This is so not my kink but I would pay to watch her eat shit.

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But nah. The real problem isn’t income inequality.

Rich people, notwithstanding Betsy Bag O’Hammers Devos, are smarter than us and thus should be allowed to tell the politicians which laws to make so that they only get richer and you sink deeper and deeper into a hole.

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I wouldn't be surprised if that was the entirety of the thought process.

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Venezuela isn't a violent revolution, what are you talking about? I don't approve of Maduro's regime, but it was elected.

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As Marie Antoinette once said, "Let them eat shit!Sorry. My bad. That was actually Mnuchin's wife, Louise Whatshername.

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So, is it time for the guillotines, yet?

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That would be a SS check, not ssi

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F$F already did an excellent job woman-splaining this financial topic to the great unwashed on the Wonkette, but I wanted to second her take with a personal one.

So, I admit don't know nothing about birthin' babies or tax law. But I always thought the long-term capital gains tax was 15%. - until I was watching the Ali and Stephanie inform-a-fest about business things this morning, and Stephanie had this example where she used the figure of 23%. And probably I just missed it, but I think the 23% was an average of the short-term and long-term things.

So I goes to my Google machine, and it informs me that the long-term capital gains tax depends on your income bracket (irrespective of capital gains) and there are actually 3 different levels of capital gains tax that span multiple tax brackets at each level. The 3 levels are 0,15 and 20% The 15% level is where I am. Not relatively poor (0%) - who probably wouldn't have stocks and such anyway , or 20% for those selling yachts every other month. And shockingly, the 20% tops out somewhere north of 400K. But that's the TOP limit.

So, if you're selling real estate, which could easily be in the millions, you're getting a very sweet deal from the government compared to us schlubs in the 15% range. And the Google machine tells me that if your bracket is somewhere north of 200k,, there is an additional 3.8% tax - so that's where Stephanie's 23.8% came from - not an average (I apologize, Stephanie). But NOW Trump and Mnuchen (Cruella De Vil's husband, if you can't place him) have come up with an even sweeter deal for rich dickwads by accounting for inflation on the cost basis - which would be an even bigger boondoggle than the past tax bill.

As Willie Sutton said when asked why he robbed banks: "because that's where the money is." So Trump/Mnuchen know where the money is: it's going to formerly be in the hands of the 99% and soon to be transferred to the 1%. Who knew Trump was Willie Sutton?.

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By all means, tear each others' throats out. We'll be over here pointing and laughing.

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BAD pun. Urine trouble now!

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Remember when blatant theft was illegal?

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