Agree with you that this five-ring circus serves a clear purpose: distract from the disaster going on in one of the other rings.

What if we find out one day, way down the road, that things were not really as chaotic and contentious within the WH as has been presented. What if we find out it was all an act, coordinated between all the anonymous "top White House aides" who've been leaking to the press continuously, to create a whirling smokescreen so that the darker agenda could be put in place quietly, without people noticing.

They're like, "OK who's turn is it this week? Let's see, last week it was Sessions, earlier it was Don Jr..... Priebus, looks like you're up. Mooch is going to trash you and go on a foul-mouthed rampage and you'll have no comment or you'll say some nice-nice nothings.. got it?"

Yes it's me being creative thinking they're smart enough to stay in character and pull this off. But what if.

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I'm enjoying a little respite from Russia, knowing that the investigation quietly continues. pissed about the cowardly process playing out on trumpcare (this is not normal). and trying to, as we used to say, "maintain", does anyone say that anymore?

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Russia's economy is smaller than that of Italy, or California.The country has been looted.

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"Do you know who I am? I'm the guy that's gonna burn your house down. With the lemons!"https://www.youtube.com/wat...

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Great stuff!

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He's hatching a plan for the Boy Scouts of America.

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It's like adding chocolate to an ELECTRICAL STORM.

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It was my understanding that some of the fixes in the bill involved leaving out an extremely important pipeline into Germany (so as not to piss off Mrs. Merkel too much) and another into Ukraine (to spare them additional crap that they don't need right now while Russia continues to hack their infrastructure and such).

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The Overton window has moved considerably to the right, compared to say, the Eisenhower administration. Sure, Hillary was left of her contemporary center (and pushed farther so by Bernie), but today's "left of center" is not your father's "left of center". Moderate Republicans of the pre-Reagan era were arguably to the left of both Hillary and Bill.

Times, like attitudes (and everything else), change. Hillary is nowhere near what I would call a "lefty", but in the 2016 general election, there was no other viable choice. Sadly, the electoral system and a few dumbasses in swing states saddled us with the non-viable alternative.

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[Quote Police] Before the clever poke above gets sucked into urban legend and memes as fact...“Extremism in defense of liberty is no vice. Moderation in pursuit of justice is no virtue.”-Barry GoldwaterSorry, pardon me.

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Oops you're correct Saudi Arabia is still the world's leading oil exporter, but "Russia Overtakes Saudi Arabia as World's Top Crude Oil Producer"


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The West Wing and the Trump Organization must be some of the worst places to work in America right now. Dolt 45 must be a rat bastard boss. He and his whole mangy crew should be fired.

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It's NOT creative thinking. It was reported a couple of months ago (pre-Mooch) that Krazyanne and Spicey and others were sitting around challenging each other to come up with the most outrageous lie for reporters and then watch the press freak out over it, just for shits and giggles.

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(Admitted - haven't read the article or comments)


ETA: Okay a weirder duo of naysayers I've yet to see: Bernie and Rayn Paul voted against the sanctions. WTF?

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Well, somebody has a brain?

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