Yeah Commander (like The Handmaid's Tale) Hawley scares me the most.

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The only possible argument Trump could make here (besides, "I do what I want!") is that immigrants aren't "people." So, who knows? I wouldn't put it past Trump and Miller to argue in court that Dred Scott should be resurrected.

BTW, the three worst lawyers in America are, in order:

1. Larry Klayman2. Matt Staver3. John Yoo.

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So let’s think timing...say Dummshit carries this through to the point they actually make a new determination about number of Reps. How long would that take? Bottom line is, would the process pass a point of no return before Jan 21? I’m guessing no...anything in government which requires changing the status quo take for-fucking-ever. So in Jan OHJB whips out his trusty Obamapen and erases Fucktater’s bigotry with a single stroke. Yes? No?

EDIT based on the Wiki:

“Federal law requires the Clerk of the House of Representatives to notify each state government no later than January 25 of the year immediately following the census of the number of seats to which it is entitled. ... Because the deadline for the House Clerk to report the results does not occur until the following January, and the states need sufficient time to perform the redistricting, the decennial census does not affect the elections that are held during that same year. For example, the electoral college apportionment during the 2000 presidential election was still based on the 1990 census results. Likewise, the congressional districts and the electoral college during the 2020 general elections will still be based on the 2010 census.”

So I’m thinking this will only pay off if Assmouth wins in Nov. ANOTHER REASON TO FUCKING VOTE, AS IF WE NEEDED ANOTHER ONE.

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You're forgetting that slaves were the Right Kind of non-citizens, so of course they should be counted. These Terrible Horrible Scary And Hostile Illegal Immoral And Probably Terrorist Invaders are the Wrong Kind of non-citizens, so of course they shouldn't be counted unless we can count them as they're being marched into the camps.

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I actually don't think that was it. I think it was that Obama was conciliatory (="Weak"), while Clinton was most definitely not conciliatory (="You expect me to let you get away with this shit? After the last twenty years?! 'Fuck you' doesn't even express the tiniest bit of what you're going to get."). Fear of Clinton was more of a driver than hate of Obama.

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Men with clickers at the entrance to the camps.

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That is what I think also.

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"every person living in the...United States of America..." Pretty unambiguous!

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Moose and squirrel need not be applying.

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So how do they plan to identify which census-fillers are legal and which aren't? Is anyone marking primarily Hispanic going to be assumed illegal or something?

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It was both and more, yay sexism.

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That reminds me, I’ve been meaning to trademark “virtual rally” and also too “racists gathering via teleconference”

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Fifty pounds?? What da fuk was it made of??

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Would someone please tell this fool Bill Clinton was the first President to hold an internet chat?

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