I am less sure that the bench trial choice was a mistake by the lawyers. This is a civil trial, and it seems that in NY only 5/6 of 10/12 are needed to convict. Given the strength of the case and the venue, that looked impossible. PAB's outrageous behavior could be viewed as an attempt to get Engoron to do something to make the verdict reversible. More likely, it's just PAB being an asshole.

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Oct 4, 2023·edited Oct 4, 2023

I dunno about them oil barons in the Middle East but I bet the global warming, from burning all their shit has done, is gonna buy that real estate for a shit ton less cash and a fuck ton more seawater; making Mar a Lago not just its romantic name, but a fact.

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So watching Habba at Trump's press conference where he claimed he was being denied his right to be judged by his peers was . . . interesting. Right as he launches into that particular tirade, she gets this weird expression on her face. I can't tell if she's being a smug mean girl, or is panicking that this is the thing she screwed up, and everyone knows it, but we're going for the lie anyway. She also rubs her nose in what looks to me like a nervous action. Either way, I got strong Backpfeifengesicht vibes.

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From what I've read, so far, his lawyers aren't even arguing THE LAW in court which doesn't sound very professional. Oh, wait. Never mind.

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Doesn't that only work with a jury? I'd think a judge would only be considering the law.

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PAB taking the stand would just be the cherry on the sundae.... can't WAIT!

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Many years ago, Michael Moore said, "Get him under oath, and he'll do the rest."

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As he doesn’t have even a passing familiarity with the concept of truth, that’s pretty spot on. I can’t wait.

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Ta, Liz. Did Alina Habba somehow manage to get paid? How unusual, if so.

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She’s on the payroll of his pac.

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Depends on the definition of “paid” being used?

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That's still not 2,300%.

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The "evidence" Trump presented was an affidavit from someone saying they could sell the property to Bill Gates or Elon Musk or another multibillionaire for more. They of course had no evidence that anyone would be interested in it, and of course completely ignored the legal restrictions on its use for anything other than a private club, which is how the property tax valuation was set. In other words, they assumed the existence of straw buyers who would pay for it as though it wasn't restricted in its use. Even Elon Musk isn't that stupid.

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Or is he?

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So, how did PAB get a bench trial? My understanding is that Letitia James requested it, and Alina Habba failed to check a box requesting a jury trial. So both forms came to Judge Engoron and he saw that they agreed on a bench trial. It probably surprised him, but he just said to himself "Whatever!". If this had happened with any other defendant, he might have asked "Are you sure?". But PAB had been such a pain in the ass that he just ran with it.

A number of folks here have asked how PAB ended up with a lawyer with such limited skills as Alina Habba. I think it was because she has big tits.

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A legal commentator explained that the relief being sought (disgorgement) is only able to be granted by a judge, not by a jury. A jury could grant damages.

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Disgorgement. What a wonderful word. I must start using it. A lot.

We've been talking (a lot) over the years about what the appropriate punishment should be for Donald John Trump, but did anyone have a legal term that corresponds to being physically vomited from a body.

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Right up there with defenestration.

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Defenestration describes removing Windows and replacing it with Linux.

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I used to think--the Lupe Velez death for him, if Kenneth Anger is to be trusted, and he certainly isn't. There's also a description by the historian Livy of what they used to do to traitors in the old post-Tarquin Roman republic that I thought would work. But now, knowing his mortal fear of sharks and electrocution, we must immediately start to genetically crossbreed electric eels and hammerhead sharks. We can talk to these sheels, or eelks or whatever you want to call them: "Soon, my pretties, you will feed. A great big meal! Ha, just call it 'cheat week' on your diet! Ha ha ha ha!"

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Wouldn't there be the danger that a creature that is part-eel would give Trump a pass out of professional courtesy?

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Can we affix lasers on the heads of these sharks?

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Is that the same as Disembowelment?

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No. Violent ejection from the mouth (of the body public).

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Geez, I took 1 intro class on US Criminal Justice and even I know that you ALWAYS select a jury trial.

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Once again, wily like a fox. He spews the most vile, hateful, ugly crap at the one person who will decide his fate (and the fates of his kids) so he can scream, "Rigged", get it thrown out on appeal, and strut away with that idiotic smirk that he probably practices in the mirror while the trailer of the final victory plays in his mind.

Wonder if one of the three kidlings regrets not getting the old man committed before he reached this point? Wonder if it'll get messy enough to take Jared down also, too?

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Rachel should have given her lecture tonight on the laziness of American media pushing "both-siderism" when it is the right that has gone off the cliff while ex-president Jimmy Carter may see his dream of seeing the guinea worm eradicated as very different things. Perhaps she should lecture Kristen Welker at her sister network of NBC.

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No one has ever heard the worm's side of the story. Perhaps the NY Times will fill that gap.

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Oh, Pitchbot…

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David Brooks in ON it.

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There were good worms on both sides.

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Please. Haven't the elderly customers of fly-over, rural red state/small-town diners suffered enough?

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The first president I voted for (1980, he lost, I was bummed for the next 12 years) had his 99th birthday yesterday. I'm not a Xtian, but that man is a Saint.

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I read somewhere that PAB's attorneys neglected to check the Jury Trial box for this hearing, so now the case will be decided the judge he's been shitposting about.

You love to see it.

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It may be a strategy. A jury of New Yorkers aren't going to cut him any slack, so the attorney's make a "mistake" causing the judge to decide the case. Then he shitposts about he judge so that in appeal, he can claim the judge was biased against his because of all his shit posting. Sounds like a plan Rudy would come up with.

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That was parking lot attorney Alina Habba's fault, but she will probably blame the intern. He only hires the "best people".

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michael cohen makes me laugh and his podcast is amusing in small doses.

there. i said it.

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AND... I just read how drumpster ordered a shit-ton of McD's for his lunch/dinner/snack/whatever.

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which will become a ton-shit

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If you'd never won the presidency, you would have been able to stay under the radar of full comeuppance for a lifetime of incompetent blustering you stupid fuck.

Roy Cohn and your dad are laughing at you...

White privilege is wasted on the worst folks...

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As I recall, he was surprised when he won. He only entered the presidential race to make his brand more visible.

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The plot of "The Producers".

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"Caterwauling" is such a great word.

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