"So let me get this shit off my chest first."

Ever since I learned the definition of a "Cleveland steamer" I just can't hear that phrase without snickering. Sorry.

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Probably too long for a hand lettering project, but mebbe I'll print this out in a nice font:

"So are you mad about the fact that the Supreme Court is wiping their asses with our rights? Good! Organize protests! Make calls! Tell Alito’s office what you think of his work. Call your elected officials every single day if you can and let them know how much they are disappointing you and make sure you tell them very explicitly what you want from them.

Be gentle with the hapless interns tasked with answering the phone, but be firm. And don’t forget to tweet and skeet and post at electeds and appointeds directly and send emails too! Don’t let any of these fuckers hide from their jobs!"

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Come on people, this is SOP for these characters. Remember Stefanik bulldozing the college presidents. The word debate means something different now. Holding these events at all is of questionable value for selecting the best candidate.

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Ta, Brooke. I hate bullies; I always have. They're all cowards. Stand up to them and they crumble.

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Lemme get this straight. When Trump fucks up his support doubles. When Biden fucks up it gets cut in half? Can't be right...

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Never give bullies a fucking inch. Never.

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So, how about this for a plan: we get some folks together and rush the Supreme Court. We do everything it takes to get into the building and, ultimately, to the chamber with the Supremes.

That would be cool with Alito, Thomas, Kavanaugh, etc., right? I mean, so long as we only wipe shit on the walls and not on the actual court case documents or records we're not insurrecting, just touristing

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Where do I sign up?

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Mmm. And the plastic ties and the gallows? Do they even have a lawn?

Also, we need a shaman.


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We're godless progressives, dammit! We don't need a shaman because we'll have a crowd full of goddesses!

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I laughed when one of the three idiot meatball republicans they had on the cnn post debate show named the snopes article.

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Not quite off topic: oh, fear, the never-had-a-partisan-day-in-its-life NY Times just called for Biden to quit the race. Perhaps his replacement will be more fawning to "Pinche" Sulzberger.

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TRUMP: I’ve seen your swing, I know your swing

I've seen your swing too, pal - club champion my ass.

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He only wins championships at the clubs he owns. I think it must be written into the manager's contract.

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Trump's nickname on the links is "Pele" because he has a habit of kicking the ball.

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I was yelling at my TV set right with you, Brooke.

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I was wondering, between Tapper and Bash, who would be the first to call PAB "Sir".

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I share your outrage, Brooke. Snopes can go gargle a grenade after that debacle.

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Fact checkers identified a pile of Trump's statements as "False" or "Misleading". But did Trump say ANYTHING that was true or even resembled the truth? Anything?

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If you asked him about the weather, he'd lie about it.

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He spewed a torrent of lies that were debunked years ago.

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Really don't understand how/why there was no fact checking and very little follow up when Trump point blank ignored the questions asked.

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See my post on another thread. It happened that way because CNN wanted it to happen that way. If they fact checked Trump into a puddle on national TV, their "horse race" coverage would have died right there with him. And then advertising money would have dried up ... and all they care about is the money.

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What is worse in my mind is the fact that CNN and MSNBC immediately started running in circles and flapping their arms while insisting that the sky was falling because Biden underperformed.

Instead, they should have admitted Biden didn't do as well as hoped and then slam Trump for his constant lies.

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Because the moderators were COMMANDED not to fact check from on high.

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Yes they are owned by evil, republican, Fox (so-called) news fan Robert Malone.

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Because mainstream media blows

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Because CNN is only concerned with flashy gimmicks, not actual journalism or accountability, and it has taken a turn to the Right.

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Yes, because they are owned by evil, republican, Fox (so-called) news fan Robert Malone

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Flashy gimmicks and $$$

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$$$ rules their world. The truth can fuck off.

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This was a major, major failing on CNN's part as far as I'm concerned.

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And THAT is the takeaway from the debate that matters. It shouldn't be "Biden underperformed, is old, and should drop out" ... it should be "Trump is a liar, and CNN is an enabler because greed". They didn't want Biden to "win", so they built the rules so he couldn't possibly win.

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Really don't understand how/why there was no fact checking and very little follow up when Trump point blank ignored the questions asked.

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CNN's veered right. Fact checking the convicted felon doesn't benefit them.

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The owner is a right wing asshole.

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That too also.

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Because it was a publicity stunt for CNN, nothing more.

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