if people outside of the orange fools network are still saying 'there is more stuff misssing' i would bet that they have a comprehensive list. that search team are absolutely not looking in every box
Does anyone else here suspect that just maybe the White House, out of habit, maintained an actual index and inventory of all the stuff that was ever given to Trump and that Trump never even thought of it? Perhaps, someone has a list of stuff that might be still missing?I mean, please tell me that the CIA or Defense Department had some paper trail for when and where classified documents were moved from a secure location. I cannot believe that "big secret file" was taken from 'big secret safe" in Langley and no one had to sign for it.I do however think it's entirely possible that Trump, never having worked in government and never having been accountable to anyone but his own procedures is too incompetent to even know that most organizations bigger than a family real estate company have procedures to keep vitally important things from getting lost.And eventually, someone starts to wonder where that file on Israel's Nuclear program went. When you pull on a string like that, the whole fekkin sweater can come apart.
I dunno, but as bad as this story might be looking, consider that every data point we have comes from Trump or a source he controls, which makes me think it's a lot worse than we know.
That fucking guy'd hafta check out any document just like you do at any library. They know who checked out and is responsible for every overdue scrap of paper. TFG is in a World of shit or should be.
Linda McMahon was the head of the Small Business Association until she took on some kind of grifty role in his 2020 re-election staff. The tragic irony of Vince's various abusive behavior is that they were HS sweethearts and she stuck with him even during the lean years when WWF was nothing more than a zero budget road show. I guess she's used to managing completely abusive heels.
if people outside of the orange fools network are still saying 'there is more stuff misssing' i would bet that they have a comprehensive list. that search team are absolutely not looking in every box
I hope he can't find it and his troubles increase. He can't have too many for me.
Does anyone else here suspect that just maybe the White House, out of habit, maintained an actual index and inventory of all the stuff that was ever given to Trump and that Trump never even thought of it? Perhaps, someone has a list of stuff that might be still missing?I mean, please tell me that the CIA or Defense Department had some paper trail for when and where classified documents were moved from a secure location. I cannot believe that "big secret file" was taken from 'big secret safe" in Langley and no one had to sign for it.I do however think it's entirely possible that Trump, never having worked in government and never having been accountable to anyone but his own procedures is too incompetent to even know that most organizations bigger than a family real estate company have procedures to keep vitally important things from getting lost.And eventually, someone starts to wonder where that file on Israel's Nuclear program went. When you pull on a string like that, the whole fekkin sweater can come apart.
I dunno, but as bad as this story might be looking, consider that every data point we have comes from Trump or a source he controls, which makes me think it's a lot worse than we know.
A bowl of Xanax might be the best course.
Now do his safe deposit boxes.
and twenty eight by ten photographs of all the garbage we threw out after thanksgiving! HT to Arlo
Yeah eggzackly, really Officer I only had 2 beers 5 hours ago!
Look in the coffin at Bedminster. The rest is yet to come!
Should they ask for permission first or apologize later?
Ask forgiveness later. Or don't.
or a free peppermint freeze cone
That fucking guy'd hafta check out any document just like you do at any library. They know who checked out and is responsible for every overdue scrap of paper. TFG is in a World of shit or should be.
Yeah I just filled that circle above as well...
Shorter version- More grift.
Linda McMahon was the head of the Small Business Association until she took on some kind of grifty role in his 2020 re-election staff. The tragic irony of Vince's various abusive behavior is that they were HS sweethearts and she stuck with him even during the lean years when WWF was nothing more than a zero budget road show. I guess she's used to managing completely abusive heels.