Order them? I know some places still can’t (and forget Whole Foods), and I can’t get milk until Monday. No more flour or baking powder to be had either.
I feel like it's been too long since I explicitly thanked the Republican Party, for all the winning they've brought us. Um ... Nothing else to say here.
Every single person there: if one of your colleagues gets shouted down by this idiot- follow up with these words “Mr president. Same question as my colleague”
It will probably be unpleasant! I can’t imagine actually having to share a room with this man! And he’s going to be a petulant fucking asshole when you do!
It’s YOUR JOB AS JOURNALISTS to not let tea time fascist theatre completely bowl you over
Evan's first paragraph is a thing of beauty. We still have a presidential election in November. Hey Democrats... SHOW THE AMERICAN PEOPLE WHY THEY SHOULD FUCKING VOTE FOR YOU!! Holy tits on a goose!! This should be a natural political instinct! *face palm, rubs temples*
Btw, if anyone out in Wonkland has N95 masks-unless they were prescribed by a doctor for some reason, GIVE THEM TO A HOSPITAL! A: no one needs them for COVID-19, which is spread by droplets and isn’t airborne like TB (even the nurses taking care of COVID-19 patients in my hospital are using regular surgical masks). B: they have to be individually fitted-if you weren’t fitted, the mask is useless to you. And C: HOSPITALS ARE RUNNING SHORT BECAUSE RANDOS ARE BUYING THEM!
OMG I saw some dude bro with a big red bushy beard with a surgical mask strapped across his furry millennial? Gen X? Whtvr face.I.About.Lost.It.The comedy/tragedy in all this is trés richè or however the elites say them Fancy Frenchy Frases while they have already been a hunka hunka hunka hunkering down in their anti-coronavirus luxury bunkers thanks to that Senator Slime Snake (appy polly logies to slime and snakes.)
Maybe all the Trump supporter in the midwest are getting sick and dying but just don't want to report it and embarrass their dear leader. That's what cult's do.
These Trump daily briefings make me want to hang myself. Honestly, I would kiss a pig with coronavirus before I would watch his horrid ass say anything about anything again. Now where's my rope, I know it's here somewhere.
He's the actual President of the United States. He actually holds our highest office. This is actual reality, not some weird fuckin' nightmare we can wake from or some hilaaaaarious sketch comedy routine. I feel such deep shame, anger, sadness, and bewilderment. HUMAN BEINGS ARE LETTING HIM TALK AND OTHER HUMAN BEINGS LIKE WHAT HE SAYS. What. The.....
I’m scared. I don’t want to go get groceries.
I am glad to know I having nothing to fear but Peter Alexander being bad at his job.
Has 'the Villages' been tested yet?
Trump’s dumbth made Dr. Fauci touch his own face a bunch.
Ya know, Doc Faucci is, let's say, gravity challenged like Michael Bloomberg, but Heir Oranga hadn't nicknamed him yet.
I feel a 'fraidy cat Faucci' is imminent as the truth keeps getting in the way of the narrative.
Order them? I know some places still can’t (and forget Whole Foods), and I can’t get milk until Monday. No more flour or baking powder to be had either.
I feel like it's been too long since I explicitly thanked the Republican Party, for all the winning they've brought us. Um ... Nothing else to say here.
Every single person there: if one of your colleagues gets shouted down by this idiot- follow up with these words “Mr president. Same question as my colleague”
It will probably be unpleasant! I can’t imagine actually having to share a room with this man! And he’s going to be a petulant fucking asshole when you do!
It’s YOUR JOB AS JOURNALISTS to not let tea time fascist theatre completely bowl you over
Evan's first paragraph is a thing of beauty. We still have a presidential election in November. Hey Democrats... SHOW THE AMERICAN PEOPLE WHY THEY SHOULD FUCKING VOTE FOR YOU!! Holy tits on a goose!! This should be a natural political instinct! *face palm, rubs temples*
Btw, if anyone out in Wonkland has N95 masks-unless they were prescribed by a doctor for some reason, GIVE THEM TO A HOSPITAL! A: no one needs them for COVID-19, which is spread by droplets and isn’t airborne like TB (even the nurses taking care of COVID-19 patients in my hospital are using regular surgical masks). B: they have to be individually fitted-if you weren’t fitted, the mask is useless to you. And C: HOSPITALS ARE RUNNING SHORT BECAUSE RANDOS ARE BUYING THEM!
/rant over
I knew it! This is all because of that Kung Pao Lasagna. /s
Why can’t the orange poop bag just STFU?? WHY WHY WHY!!
OMG I saw some dude bro with a big red bushy beard with a surgical mask strapped across his furry millennial? Gen X? Whtvr face.I.About.Lost.It.The comedy/tragedy in all this is trés richè or however the elites say them Fancy Frenchy Frases while they have already been a hunka hunka hunka hunkering down in their anti-coronavirus luxury bunkers thanks to that Senator Slime Snake (appy polly logies to slime and snakes.)
Maybe all the Trump supporter in the midwest are getting sick and dying but just don't want to report it and embarrass their dear leader. That's what cult's do.
Time for the 25th.
These Trump daily briefings make me want to hang myself. Honestly, I would kiss a pig with coronavirus before I would watch his horrid ass say anything about anything again. Now where's my rope, I know it's here somewhere.
He's the actual President of the United States. He actually holds our highest office. This is actual reality, not some weird fuckin' nightmare we can wake from or some hilaaaaarious sketch comedy routine. I feel such deep shame, anger, sadness, and bewilderment. HUMAN BEINGS ARE LETTING HIM TALK AND OTHER HUMAN BEINGS LIKE WHAT HE SAYS. What. The.....